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Position:Home>Philosophy> Beauty isn't everything its cracked up to be?

Question: Beauty isn't everything its cracked up to be!?
Do you think beauty has its disadvantages also!? for example guys being too intimidated to speak to you!? other girls being jealous of you therefore difficult to make strong friendships!? people judgeing you!? people will not approach you because they will just think you will be the typical b*tch!?

I find most average joe's never seem to have any of the above problems!? do you agree!? opinions pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you're right, just look at the amount of supermodels with problems!. A friend of mine is so handsome but underneath it all he is very insecure!. Its really a case of looking beneath the surface to the actual person to see what they are about!. As the saying goes don't judge a book by the cover!. xWww@QuestionHome@Com

my sister was very shy as a kid!. When she got to high school she made freinds with some of the girls that knew her earlier!. They thought she didn't talk to them because she was stuck up!. So insecurities of any kind can make you seem a b!-tch!. guys are too intimidated to speak to women period, and most women find it difficult to make trustworthy women freinds!. I don't think attractiveness has anything to do with any of that!. It may stroke your ego to think your life is hard because you are so pretty, but everybody has it hard!. Pretty opens doors, and most people (especially teachers and especially women,) think beauty = intelligence, so that is an incredible advantage, since you don't have to actually BE intelligent to come off as!.

The major difficulty with beauty is being taken seriously as an actor/actress!. Of course unattractive people don't even get looked at, so this issue has been overstated, I am sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course, like any other superiority, beauty too can cause considerable problems!. I agree 100% with your view that it is the ordinary and the average people who can enjoy life the most!.
In any case, so far as I am concerned, I always take beauty with a pinch of salt, whether it is people or a work of art!. I always prefer to ignore the form and view the content in isolation of the packaging or presentation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not how you look, its the way you act//carry yourself!.
people who are prettier are more likely to make a better first impression, and i think these are important, so i believe they could have more sucess in certain areas!.

there is a difference in looking beautiful, and looking like some dumb blonde!. theres a natural beauty and theres faked!. people have different views on each!.

average people have these problems aswell i suppose, because even if they dont look amazing, they will be judged probably more, and if their personality isnt good then that creates more of a problem!.!. more people would be jealous of a happy, naturally talented, smart and friendly person, even if they looked average

looks aren't everything and i think even ugly people can find love some day :P

yes to the things you've listed!. also, a lot of guys are so interested in trying to "hit that" that they don't take time to listen or take her opinions seriously - just playing nice and going along with whatever - and she later finds out that they were only in it for the sex!. but i'm sure being rich is like that too - not knowing if people like you for yourself or the benjaminsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sadly beautiful people whether male or female are judged by their looks first & sad to say "yes" most beautiful people are very shallow!. This is something you have to get past you have to prove you aren't one of the typical beauties!. Mind you it must be nice to be pretty use it in the right way & you'll be fine!. If people ignore you put it down to their ignorance & their jealousy!. Enjoy life go get it girl!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if a guy or anyone is just judging on what you look like, then they aint worth it!!. You can be absolutely stunning and have the personality of a crabstick!!!! Maybe some guys sort of think a girl/woman is gorgeous and think that she will already be with someone!?!? If other girls are jealous then stuff em!! thats their problem, none of us can help what we look like, can we!?!?!? Best advice>>> be yourself and be genuine!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

just check me out! the girls are always gaggin for it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

only some one ugly would say that, are you ugly mindedWww@QuestionHome@Com

well look at my cute little face i never have any problems there is hope for us all lolWww@QuestionHome@Com