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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is optimism...?

Question: Is optimism!.!.!.!?
or pessimism your drug sometimes!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My drug is cynicism, but my tone is pessimistic!.

Did you know that optimists are pessimists and pessimists are optimists!?

Yeah, it's true!.

Optimists are power of positive thinking people who think you HAVE to believe or you will get screwed!. They are optimistic by necessity!.

Pessimists believe that the world is a safe enough place to walk around being gloomy!. So pessimists are optimists if you think about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


they can heal me or make me itch!.!.depending on the dosage i takeWww@QuestionHome@Com