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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is love real? Why do most people associate love with magic when they know that m

Question: Is love real!? Why do most people associate love with magic when they know that magic isn't real!?!?
Does it follow then love is only magical but never for real!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The sense of magic is in our imagination!. Rainbows are only splitting off of white light!. A Rainbow is nonexistent!. So is horizon, we only imagine something called horizon at the juncture of sky and earth because our vision does not travel further!. Likewise, the perception of love, peace and beauty rests in our imagination!. Love is a feeling which has a biological attribute and a psychological attribute as well!.The biological side of love is well explained but regarding the mental side, it is a combination of moral, faith, honesty, dependance, illusion and perhaps 'something more', yet to be explained!. To some people, love is true in the form of blood and flesh!. To some other it is mutual dependance and trust!. To some people it is an admixture of both!. To a very few miserable persons, it something like never to be touched!. Everybody, however, believes that love has a magic 'something more' in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's people's perception of love that isn't real!. Most people perceive romantic love to be a nice hollywood goosebumpy feeling!. And when the feelings end, they break up!.

What's interesting though is that this perception only holds for romantic love!. It does not hold for maternal or paternal love!. Parents still love their children unconditionally even when there are no feelings involved!. Parents would work hard to win their children's love even when the children are ashamed to be seen in public with them!.

Imagine if married couples were that devoted to each other!. I dare say the divorce rate would be less than 50%!. But alas, we are the generation that was raised to be single and independent, not married and dependent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to believe in love, just like you have to believe in magic, to see it and feel it!. Magic in simple term means "Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects!."
So when you're in love, you do crazy things for the person you love!. Loving a person makes you do things that you wouldnt do in normal condition!. You can't sleep,you change your personality and habits, etc!. So thats what people mean when they say that love is magical!.

Love is magical AND real!. When two people meet, they fall in love and it is more magical at the beginning because its new and exciting!. At a more mature level, love is still there but conveyed in a different way!. It is conveyed through the concern you have for your partners and doing the small things for your partner!. You can make it magical at a more mature level by rekindling the lost passion, but that would take effort and work from both sides!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some things seem only to be magic as long as we have not enough understanding about it!.

In former times people thought that the fact that the sun rises in the morning is magically!. Now we can half ways scientifically explain it, although this does not reduce the magic of it!.

Love is real!. People can lower their blood pressure when feeling love, they can pamper their immune system if they focus on a loved one or something they love for half an hour a day!. Is this magical!? It seems, but is rooted in reality that the only real thing is Love!.

Love can make many things real!. Love can hinder wars, it can give clarity of thought, it can heal, it can guide!.

But the thing with Love is, that it is always connected to true Life and therefore what comes from Love what is done with Love is different and spiritual in the truest sense!. As it is like this, it seems like magic, whereas the spirit is the core of things and the material is only the cloak of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is real!? Most peoples perception of reality, is false!. They see things, feel things, hear things, all from their five senses - ignoring their sixth and seventh sense!. From your sixth sense, love is real, but magic is only looked at by the other 5 senses!. Because, if you look at magic, from your sixth sense (or above) it becomes very scary - voodoo like!
If miracles are real, why not magic!? Or is there a difference!?

Ofcourse love is real, ever see a baby look into it's mothers eyes!? as for magic, generally people call something that appears to break what they believe are the laws of nature magic!. so if they apply the term to love then it would appear they dont understand love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe in love and magic, although the two are not always the same!. just as there is a difference between magic and illusion, there is a difference between love and illusion!. but real magic and real love do exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

magic always give happiness to man thats'y its been associated with love wen someone is in love he will express only his good side and not the other side of him, like his weakness but true love will give happy,comfort to a person love should be expressful there should not be anything to hideWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think they call it magic because it blocks all reason and puts logic aside like magic displays things against logic and human reasoning!.

Both are real as long as their hidden ingredients do not show up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because love can do things like magic!. As if nothing is impossible if you love someone you'll do everything just to make him happy or satisfied even how hard it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Magic is very real!.!.!.it is the energy created when all is one!.!.!.!.

love is chemistry, magnetism and energy!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very beautiful in the love is very sacred, so long as benevolent
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I think thats just a simile
not actually
I believe love do exists
but not magicWww@QuestionHome@Com

Love is real!.
So is hate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

love is what we have the closest to magicWww@QuestionHome@Com