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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do you think people depend so much on being depended on?

Question: Why do you think people depend so much on being depended on!?
I have suddenly begun to feel obsolete, and I was pondering my thoughts and couldnt help but wonder why does it feel so good to be important!? To be needed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Being depended on by others boosts our ego!. Not being wanted by anyone can be handled only by people who have a very high self esteem!. Normally, as the situation of not being wanted prolongs, our self esteem begins to get shaky!.
Although not part of this question directly, I must also add that I have found we can not remain totally independent ourselves for long!. We seem to want someone on whom we can depend as well!. This may be due to the fact that we are scared to be right on top where loneliness is heightened due to no one else to share the responsibility or burden with!.

Interesting, insightful question!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every bit of success you've ever had in your life has depended on somebody else helping you to achieve it!. Personally I love it when I'm able to be a mentor to those who need it, even people I don't know!. It's very shortsighted to only focus on those you know and love because this is an extremely small circle compared to the world at large!. If everyone truly thought this way, nothing would ever get done and the world would be a much darker place!. Practice random acts of kindness!.

Getting back to my original point, look at successful people like Bill Gates!. He didn't become the richest man in the world by himself!. He had plenty of help!. He wouldn't have had his success without Nathan Myhrvold, Paul Allen, and Steve Ballmer!. Same thing with the Oracle from Omaha!. Warren Buffett didn't become as rich as he is by accident!. Someone had to have the faith to put him in a situation where he could have control over his bankroll and invest as he pleased!. He wasn't born the head of Berkshire Hathaway!. I'm sure he's also seeked advice from lots of other people knowledgeable with industries, those people are indispensable!. Michael Jordan became the best basketball player with the help of his coaches!. If his coaches didn't teach him how to play basketball or give him playing time he wouldn't be anything today!.

Look at yourself!. You got your current job either because your friend knew someone at the company, or you got a tip from a friend that they were hiring, or are in a good job because someone was nice enough to hire you into that position!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It make you feel like you have a place in this world and that someone lovees you or depends on you!. Humans are creatures in which they do not survive with out a companion or friend!. So they depend on each other!. I want to be need or know that some one feeks happy to have me arround them!. BEcasue as far as I know I am not wanted by anyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

personally it only feels good to be needed by someone who I love!. It is validating to know that someone who I care about and hold highly needs me!. this shows me that what i do for them and how i feel about them is not in vain!. If i don't care for you, personally, I won't care about what you thinkWww@QuestionHome@Com

With children, it's a Mother's love of giving and sharing!. Adults, even among spouses, it's usually insecurity and a lack of independence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its the ego that is in need of attention, because it is the star on stage in the drama of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it makes them feel important, and besides it makes the world go 'roundWww@QuestionHome@Com

We're hard-wired to be social beings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com