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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you get more out of reading other people's answers?

Question: Do you get more out of reading other people's answers!?
Or do you get more out of answering and then moving on!? Either way, why!?
(Except Viktor who should only answer "read" or "don't" since he doesn't want answers just statistics!. Only kidding!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I get more out of answering themWww@QuestionHome@Com

My desire is that I should respond to a question spontaneously , as I see the issue!. Thus , I will put down my answers ( thoughts) first and then I will read through many answers!. That way, I feel, I will not be influenced in my thought process!.
Much to my disappointment I find many answerers seem to forget the questioner or his/her question but scroll through the various answerers and " agree" or "disagree"Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only time I read the other person's answers before best answer is picked is to make sure they haven't already written what I am about to!. If they have already said what I want to say' then I move on and don't answer!. I get pleasure out of reading other people's answers only AFTER best answer has been picked-ESPECIALLY when the best answer is mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do I get more
out of reading
the other answers


do I get more
when answering
and moving on

well ummm,
what if it is neither
because it is both
for me instead

after reading
the question
I read the
thoughts, ideas
of the answerers
I re-read the question
--- sometimes the answers
well, they begin one
after another
to veer - slightly at first
and wow, there are times
by the end of this line,
it has mutated to something
wholly different, only
vaguely the same

what I gain;
when I read the answers
the thoughts, feelings of
others - I learn a lot
not just the world
not just ones
considered to be
the best
any views welcome
young, old and those between
average, less - more
narrow, closed or open
the answers given
on a more level street

when typing
moving on
it is usually due to
unsure footing--
my ideas, ideals feeling
thoughts or views
only half formed -
or not ever thought of-
to stop, to read
mine would be
mine no more
and my mind would
have yet to made
I am introspective
I gain by meandering
--- what I gain from this
a newer view of me
newer thoughts to explore
and when understood
in turn
to share

I like doing both!. However, I find that some of the answers are really funny, I mean crying funny!. I find some answers downright rude!. (even if the question is silly, one does not have to post a rude remark)!. I find some answers so knowledgeable and full of insight, I wish there was a forum we could go to and blog each other back and forth discussing them!. Its fun!.!.!.enjoyable, and at 3am in the morning when I can't sleep, its a rock a bye baby thing to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know!.!. it's a catharsis to write answers!. I was told that information not shared is useless!.!. and yet I have been reading other's answers since on the site and enjoy the participation and information that can be helpful one day to me!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think about what my answer will be first!. Then read the other peoples answers (if any) so that I dont just give the same answer as someone else!.
That is unless its a question thats more a matter of opinion then something that has a fact answer (like math)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to answer first, then read other answers before moving on!. I don't want my answers to be influenced by other answers!. I enjoy other comments to see our differences!. Clean, wholesome questions and answers stimulates and broadens my viewpoint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I get the most by doing both!. Reading the other answers is good if you know how to select them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

reading- answering I already know nothing new learned by meWww@QuestionHome@Com

alot more reading some very intelligent people on hereits blows me away te insight and emphaty ppl have on her ,!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i've learned quite a bid from other people's answers!.
thanks all!.
i answer and move on too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've learned a few things to do!.
Lots of things NOT to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on my mood!Www@QuestionHome@Com