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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can depression be described as nostalgia minus the charm of wondering?

Question: Can depression be described as nostalgia minus the charm of wondering!?
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In many cases, this could be an accurate thought and a creative one at that; however, nostalgia is always past-focused, but depression can be future-focused!.

In cases where the depression is past-focused, then it does seem to be a "charmless nostalgia!." Even in cases where on is depressed but it is due to a RECENT event, we don't really have nostalgia!. Take, for example, the event of a 'break up!.' If the break occurred years ago, then that could be called nostalgic; however, if the break was just yesterday, we probably wouldn't call it nostalgic (note: you may be nostaligic about the relationship itself, but the break up as a singular event is too recent for nostalgia)!. Thus, much depression can come from recent events (e!.g!., a break up) or fear of future events (e!.g!., having your parent on life support), which makes it quite different from nostalgia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may be able to confuse "melancholia" or the "blues" with nostalgia, but not often!.

Most often it is a chemical imbalance!. However, states of mind such as emlancholia can actually cause the imbalance!.

You, however, are confusing states of mind with "mental health!."

Do this in real life and you will not only make enemies of people who suffer depression, but if you act on this mistake somehow, you could wind up in a law suit!.

Fire someone from a job because you think he is "nostalgiac," when in fact he is on heavy medication for it, and you've got yourself a civil suit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.Clinical Depression is not in the same category as situational depression!.!.!.so the "medical" causes don't really apply to this question, but for periodic "life" depression, it can come in like a lion when nostalgia reminds us of better days gone by!.!.!.the "charm" of wondering is not really in the running, so
nostalgia does not wonder!.!.!.it already knowsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Keith but personally I've never been depressed with something that's about to happen, usually if you are its because you're afraid its going to be like something that's happened in the past!. So I think that statement is pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think that is right, depression hits you with or without nostalgia, you can be deressed by your present predicament or with your future!.

*im just parotting!.!.!.he3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummmm, no!. There is not anything particularly nostaligic about depression, with or without wonderment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, wondering can be a factor in depression!. I know, it's been part of mine for a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because the more I wonder on things, the more depressed I get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it can be described as thatWww@QuestionHome@Com