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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your opinion on materialism? what is the measurement of richness?

Question: What's your opinion on materialism!? what is the measurement of richness!?
is materialism taking over sprituality and kindenss!.!.!.!.!.!. to live in righteousness is materilism the challenge we have to over come!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To be rich in spirit is to be willing to release your most treasured possession!. By releasing it, it will release you!. You will find this liberation enlightening!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Materialism has nothing to do with spiritualism or kindness or righteousness!. Materialism simply is a description of the physical world such that no non-material (material includes energy) interpretation of the universe is needed or necessary!.

Morality still exists in a materialist world just as love and compassion and kindness do too!. These soft values are nothing more than the ways we as social animals relate to each other!. Describing the world in terms of materialism does not attempt to eliminate what is clearly the results of a material world!.

What is eliminated in a material view is a soul, spirit, supernatural beings, or God, which don't seem to have any way of effecting change in the unconnected material world!.

In other words, Descartes' Dualist philosophy has been pretty much abandoned by virtually all modern philosophers!. Some keep it around to use as a teaching device to see if students can figure out what is wrong with the idea of a spirit or soul!.

You can measure "riches" any way you want!. Has nothing to do with materialism!. Two unrelated concepts although some ignorant religious preachers rant like they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To chase after money is not materialism!. I'm not saying it's not bad, because I think it's even worse than materialism!. This is a common misconception!. Materialism means to believe in the value of material things, tangible objects that serve a purpose!. Money by itself does not serve a purpose, but is rather just a convenience just as words are a convenience to symbolize the way we are feeling!. Money is a symbol for wealth, and if I'm left all alone on an island with a bunch of money it won't do me much good!.

Materialism, the real concept, meaning to believe "the doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications!." does not really negate the process of living in accordance with helping others and all of that good stuff, but the idea that you are most likely addressing, holding items to a higher standard than spiritual or ethical values, is definitely trivializing our existence to little more than purchasing zombies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when people start to see money as a GOAL not TOOL , it becomes another story! and yeah they can do the undoable and even kill for money and we all know that!.!.!. Money and power , the famous twins!. we live in a materialistic world!.!.!.where people run after money and more money!.!.but richness can never buy happiness/satisfaction, that's what I believe in!. !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The measurement of richness, as most of the world sees it, is the size of ones bank account, on the spiritual side, the good giving soul is the richest soul because it is a selfish thing to give!.!.!.the giver is always the happiest for the longest time!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has been for a while, the foolish thing is even if there is no kingdom of heaven, when you die you don't get to keep what you have!. You should strive just to be happy, but excessive greed is the worstWww@QuestionHome@Com

Grow a foot-long, chocolate-covered penis that is diamond encrusted and jizzes money!. That is the point of life!. also, cocks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some People just treat you nice because it benefits them in some sort of materialistic wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

it can not sustain itself!. be patient and observeWww@QuestionHome@Com