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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is wrong and what is right?

Question: What is wrong and what is right!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Doug is right!.

Some say the maximum good for society is right, even if some suffer!.

Some say life at any cost is sacred!. Others say quality of life is paramount!.

If you value quality of life you may be for euthanasia, death penalty, abortion, sterilization of the handicapped or keeping population low in line with resources so a smaller population can live better instead of many living in poverty!. You might also be against regular warfare since wars usually make people miserable, but be for killing off your enemies with a quick cleansing atom bomb if radiation was less of a problem!.

If you believe that preserving life is paramount like the Catholic church you might encourage people living in poverty due to overpopulation to have as many children as possible, thus increasing the chance of wars and violence fighting over scarce resources!.

Wrong and right are relative terms!. It depends on what the question is, or what you are trying to achieve!.

In evolutionary terms whatever increases your genes, species or ecosystem's chance of surviving longer is right!.

Wiping humans off the planet might be the best thing for other animals to thrive, but it would not be so good in the long term if we are needed to spread life thought the stars!.

Give me a question and an answer and I might be able to tell if the answer is right for that question, but right and wrong by themselves may have little meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

(I think) Philosophically there is no difference it just depends on the person
Eg:The man who had sex with his daughter says that he isn't guilty and he is innocent!!!!!
He can be mad and so r all others when they decide about good and bad!.
hope u understood this and if u did then explain me this cause I didn't!!!

Every healthy mind is wired to naturally feel like it's done or thought something wrong!. It's called intuition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on the situation and the circumstance!. It's a question that philosophers have been wrestling with for centuries!.


what is wrong is what makes you angry
what is right is what makes you smile or doesnt make you angryWww@QuestionHome@Com

both are dualities that exist in the limited human mind that cannot see reality as is, but only percieves it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

saying something is right or wrong is the result of a judgment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every circumstnace desides thisWww@QuestionHome@Com


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