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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you witness what happen on the titanic do you think you be in your right stat

Question: If you witness what happen on the titanic do you think you be in your right state of mind!?
If you were there and you seen what really happen to people could you deal it !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If i had to watch titanic go down and watch all the people die like the people on the life boats had to i would be so shocked and sad!.!.!.
I probably wouldnt talk for ages (which is unlike me) and be a totally different person!. I would eventually get better but i would never forget that night!.

Watching the movie titanic and people die is completly different to actually being there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The key to the question is the term "right"!.!.!.!. if by "right" you mean correct state of mind!? Then each person observing and experiencing would be in the correct state of mind!.!.!.!. for the person observing and experiencing!.

Again, how each dealt with the experience would depend upon the level of consciousness of each!.!.!. those more detached would be detached while those unable to detach would experience various levels of guilt, remorse, self-blame, etc!.

For those males who are in denial of emotionality, they would think they were unmoved and would [over time] suffer the physical results of such denial!.

Less than 1% would attribute the entire event to Karma, and would simply be thankful that he/she was spared due to his/her Karma!.


I do not intend to underestimate the tragedy of that event but their have been several in the past 10 years that have vastly eclipsed its toll in shear numbers and innocence!.

The Tsunami
China Earthquake

just to name a few

the right state of mind!.!.!.!.!. what is the right state of mind to watch loved ones die in front of you while you cling to life yourself!. Knowing that if you try to save them you may die!.

Let's try to consider the "right" state of mind!.!.!.

acutely depressed
glad to be alive
guilt ridden

just to name a few mental statesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Deal with today!. Yesterday has gone forever!. The mind is like a bird with two wings!. One wing the past, the other the future!. We are generally caught up with the flapping of either the past or speculating about the future, but very rarely living for the present and dealing with things as they are happening!. We can do nothing about the past, so why trouble yourself with it!. You cannot change it now!. You can't unring the bell!. The future, we don't know whats to come, so why speculate!. Getting caught up in the past and the future generally causes us to be inattentive to the present and therefore make mistakes that we regret later!. Be here now!. Be attentive and conscious of what you are doing!. Be meaningful!. Take care!. Best wishes!. GourangaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, cause it would make me appreciate even more and make me even more humble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the movie, while watching we 'think' we are inside and still remain in the right state of mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com