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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think its possible for human being to live in complete peace and love?

Question: Do you think its possible for human being to live in complete peace and love!?
my hope is to see our world without suffering this happens under two conditions i think peace and love!? so i want to find out what others think!? so please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wouldn't it be awesome if that were possible!? But it isn't!. There can never be one side to a coin!. Up needs down to exist!. Day needs night; top needs bottom!. It's the existence of both peace and love as well as disruption and hate that define us!. We all can choose, and it would be great (albeit unrealistic) if we all chose positives over negatives; but if we didn't have both, we wouldn't know to choose at all, never mind deciding "what" to choose!.

Freewill!. Without positives and negatives, it can't exist!. So nope, no complete peace and love!. But that doesn't mean you have to settle for less than the ideal in your life!. Mother Teresa lived by the adage of being a conduit of peace and love and she said (paraphrased) to help others and "begin with the person nearest you!." At least you can do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From the year 2010 to 2040 the world will undergo very great sufferings and very great changes!. These are the events described in the Book of Revelation!. From mid 2040 and following, there will be a time of peace and prosperity!. From the latter part of the 21st century to the 23rd century, people will gradually fall into more and more sinfulness!. From about the year 2450, a time of great holiness and peace all over the Earth begins,which will last about 1,000 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is possible!.

On an individual basis some people do live their life's in complete peace and love and they are the enlightened ones!.

However, on a global basis, at this moment in time the likelihood of it occurring on mass within my lifetime is improbable!.

There will always be suffering but I agree a lot of it could be avoidable if we were to show more love and reside in peace with one another!.

Yes, I would like to think that one day the people of the world will live in harmony and that love will be the prime motivation for all action!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps if those that were unable to accept this ideal were given syphyllis or medication to change their thought pattern! In that not all people are capable of your ideal!. There are genetic disorders that prevent happiness being part of the lives of some because of their 'nature' for example born with adhd it makes thier lives much more complicated!.!. Asbbergers would offend others - I know not thiose who had accepted it but those who are easily offended!.

I do feel however that once 'all' of society in teh world had moved to teh level of ' The word is mightier than the sword' then ther will be less acts of physical war glabally once understanding changes but it will never stop violence or violent poersonalities!.

Never give up on that dream of yours!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately Life would be So boring if it was like that!.
It's similar to "Having too much of a good thing" Trust
wouldn't be a cherished moral!. People would be out of
job that have to do with security protection etc!.

We would all be too much alike and everything would turn
dull!. Complete Peace and Love sounds better on paper then
it would in reality!.!.!.!.

Don't get me wrong though i do encourage it, just not
realistic if we did achieve it

Peace&Love : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it's possible cos' frankly, look at us!.

we aren't perfect!.

everyone has different values,
different beliefs,
different systems!.

and we can respect that, but with all this conflict, will it ever be possible!?

love is perfect, and doesn't fail!.

yet we humans are just imperfect, and so many a time we fail!.

i think true and perfect peace cannot exist if everyone is not one, and that won't be possible, if we have like conflicting religions in the world, theistic satanists and christians for e!.g!.

No not possible!.

but don't let that stop yourself from bringing it out!. (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you think about it, no living thing lives in peace!. There are always some threat to it!. We human just have our own (advanced) way of doing it!.!.

There will always be bullies!. We dont live that long, and therefore some people cont care about others than themself!. Thats how the world is!.

There will NEVER be peace EVER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love yeah, but peace, no way, I personally think, as soon as country bordewrs and weapons are created, there's no way people can live in peace like if they somehow got rid of these two things, people woiuld use rocks, and there's still didfferent coloured people, it's stupid, but true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely not!. You can't convince all these greedy people to join you!. This would take complicity from everyone!. It's not going to happen!. Rise above!.
This has never happened in all the world's history and it never will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

total peace is unfeasible!.!.!.it is within our nature to fight and not be satisfied withwhat we have!.!.!.Human beings will always "suffer" because of their mind!.!.!.We are too selfish and arrogant!.!.!.There are exemptions but they are few!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Possible ,YES!.Plausible,NO!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it can not happen till Christ returns that is the greatest way to live life but it will never happen until the son of god Jesus Christ returnsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Only if there were no traffic jams, guns, long lines to buy food, too high electric and health care, so on,, this is depressing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it's possible - it starts at the individual level - practice love not hate!.!.!.!.just think if everyone really tried thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

actually if the world was only peace and love it would be a terrible place you need balance between good and evil or the universe would blow up! nah scratch that lastWww@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely NO!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With the way that humanity is right now, no!.!.!. But, it could've been a long time ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as long as there are humans the world will never know peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no there will always be prejudice, racist people that ruin this worldWww@QuestionHome@Com