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Position:Home>Philosophy> People who believe in envolution, answer me this..?

Question: People who believe in envolution, answer me this!.!.!?
Everything has a starting point right!?
I mean I'm still getting my head around God being alive forever!.

Science believes that the earth started with the big bang, but that doesnt answer where the rest of the universe came from!.

I mean were did the first atom come from!?
Who invented the atom!?
Space must have been made by someone surely!? It cant have just been hovering their forever!?

I just can word it correctly, i hope you understand me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Existence exists!.

That means the material of existence has never not existed!. It cannot be said logically that "existence at one time did not exist" because you are defying the meaning of the word!. You can't say "existence came from nothing" because "nothing" is the state of existence not-existing!.

Anything stated like this is stated in the form of an axiom!. An axiom is something that cannot be argued without contradiction itself!.

This means the definition has gone back as far to its roots as it can go--that is how science arrives at axioms, and metaphysics is the "first science of sciences" or sometimes "the first science!." A metaphysical axiom of existence is that it exists!.

"Existence is a self-sufficient primary!. It is not a product of a supernatural dimension, or of anything else!. There is nothing antecedent to existence, nothing apart from it—and no alternative to it!. Existence exists—and only existence exists!. Its existence and its nature are irreducible and unalterable!."
Leonard Peikoff “The Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy,”
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology; Ayn Rand

All of the material in the universe was supposedly packed inside a small space, probably in much the same way a black hole swallows everything!. But it can only become so dense before it has to explode!.

Space doesn't "hover," by the way!. It is created!. The universe is expanding and all space is within it!. There is nothing outside it, not even nothing!. It doesn't exist!. Because only existence can exist, and outside existence there is nothing that exists including both existence and non-existence!. If non-existence existed, that would be the contradiction, wouldn't it!?

Now, inside the universe space is expanding!. Space, remember, is not outside the universe; the universe is not expanding *into* space, because space outside existence does not exist!. Space comes into existence when existence expands:
"!.!.!.this expansion rate is
characterized by the Hubble Constant, 70 km/s/Mpc!. These strange units mean for every megaparsec (Mpc,
or 3!.26 million light-years) we go away, galaxies are receding by another 70 kilometers per second!."

If the universe was created, then "existence exists" is false!. It would mean that you, Candi, do not exist!. It would mean your question does not exist, and that I do not exist to answer it!.

So it is necessarily true that existence exists, and ONLY existence exists!. (Things is existence are called "existents" and since they are what make up existence, we can also say "existents exists, and ONLY existents exists!." Both statements mean the same thing, except the 1st one is epistemological and the 2nd one is metaphysical!.

Since an atom is an existent, it must always have existed!. But if it is today a hydrogen atom, yesterday it might have been something else, and tomorrow it might be something else!. Matter is energy and energy does not go away, it just changes form!.

Like the matter that blew up in the Big Bang!. It just changed forms, from one huge inert mass into an explosive mass and back into inert masses!.

Existence has no starting point because it must exist, and its matter only changes forms!. Existence has no end, for the same reason!. Since it had no beginning, it did not "come" from anywhere--you came from it!. It is the object of your subjectiveness!.

Getting your "subject" and your "object" mixed up is how people come to wonder "how" existence came to be!. When you keep your object and your subject properly defined and identified, then you wonder instead, "How could anyone think that existence never existed!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Science believes that the earth started with the big bang, but that doesnt answer where the rest of the universe came from!."

The scientific community in general does indeed postulate a "big bang", but after this bang the earth still did not exist for billions of years!. The big bang is the beginning of our *universe*!.

"Atoms" and "space" are gross simplifications: in reality there are no a-toms (indivisible particles) nor is there "empty space"!.

Anyway, all this does not seem to be essential to your question!. Your question seems to have to do with what King Lear said: "Nothing can come of nothing!."

Either existence must have come from nothing (which is illogical -- but who ever said existence was logical!?), or it must have always existed!. And if a spiritual being ("God") could always have existed, why couldn't the physical world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To begin the earth did not begin with the big bang!. It was born considerably later!. The universe began with the big bang!. Before the big bang nothing existed!. All of space was warped into an infinitesimal point that had no dimension!. This was an inheritable unstable condition and there was a big bang, an explosion that expanded space, birthing time and energy!. This caused the four forces to come into being and matter existed!. From there on it was just matter of things taking their natural course!. Stars came into being and exploded!. Finally one star was born and in the process so were some planets!. One of those planets eventually became one that we call Earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand your question well, as it was one that I had been asking for a long time myself!. Originally I saw the argument of science and the argument of God's creation!. After some religious education though, I realised that the most logical answer was a combination of both!. God created everything, which (if what science says is true) includes the big bang, and atoms, etc!. In truth, God created science, so both arguments can be true at the same time!. I hope this helps, and is what you were looking for - YohannanWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, science isn't exactly believed in, it's supported!. And I think it's in science that we find the perpetual need for a supreme being or force!. We think that the Universe was created for particles in nothingness, but why and how and what was before it and the nature of the creation, I believe, is the very proof of an ultimate force!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My theory about how things have "evolved" - have you ever had a small pool of water outside go stale and become the source of larva that turn into misquitos!. Whether it be a natural disaster or bacteria that grows and developes, I believe that has something to do with how things just "evolve"!.
Obviously I am no scientist, and I am very speculative about the God theory!. Just wanted to offer a scenario for your thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And where is it written that 'someone must have made it all'

Who made that someone then!? Your need for a first cause backfires on this!. If you believe the universe can't exist without a creator!.!.!. well, who created the creator!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The wish to be obedient is more powerful than reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science cannot believe!.!.!.!.!.!. because "science" isn't a person!. Science is a subject!. Your statement is like saying that Math believes that pie tastes good!. It is absurd on so many levels!.

Scientists may believe in things, because they are human beings!.!.!.!. with minds!. They also happen to be way smarter than either of us!.!.!.!.!. which tends to give them weight among societies that differ to a more competent authority in regards to information about the universe!.

The principle of your argument is one that we have all faced!.!.!.!.!. (by all, I mean those of us with basic human thought processes)!. It is a conundrum, indeed!. Basically the concept of eternity is absurd to us!.!.!.!. so we must reject it!. We can believe in something existing forever into the future, but it must have began!.!.!.!. largely because everything we see around us has a beginning!. The very concept of logic requres a beginning!.!.!.!. so in order for the universe to be logical it must also have a beginning!.

The problem is that time is not what we think it is!.!.!.!.!. time is not a ticking clock!. The universe itself is thought to be a closed loop, whereby when you reach the end you arrive at the beginning!. It is difficult to comprehend but so was a spherical Earth to people hundreds of years ago!. The thought that you could travel in a straight line in one direction and eventually arrive where you began seemed absurd!.!.!.!.!. but it was true!. The same concept applies!.

My thought on the subject was that the big bang expanded all the matter in the universe until it slowly began to come back together!.!.!.!. into a big crunch!.!.!.!.!. which is then proceeded by a big bang!. In this way we have a definite beginning and end!.!.!.!. however the beginning is the end and the end the beginning!. It is a closed loop!. That way the universe has order while retaining the property of infinite regress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com