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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does hindrance of the human mind create a blind void used to mask the meanin

Question: How does hindrance of the human mind create a blind void used to mask the meaning of love!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Love brings the fear of loss!. Closing the mind quiets the fear!. Fear, itself, is the most basic and primitive of all of the emotions, yet commonly the most powerful!. We all develop defense mechanisms to manage our feelings, but everyone has their own methods of doing so!.

When it comes to fear, the wise learn to face and overcome it as it approaches!. The weak concede to developing a defense to it and instead of facing it, they construct a wall around themselves as a shield from the thoughts that bring the pain of worry, often preemptively!.

It's a concession to simplicity (absolute certainty) in light of the natural fear of the unknown!. Learning new things means you have to let go of many of the old preconceptions!. Some people have developed a conditioned dependence on these preconceptions and it often causes the refusal to consider anything that doesn't ultimately reinforce them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let us break this down!.

'Hindrance of the human mind' already creates a negative place that we might call a 'void'!.

The human mind is not void and neither is it blind; but - it is often used as an excuse to act stupid!. When one acts stupid one masks the meaning of love!.

Love needs no mask and requires no blind void!.

The 'hindrance of the human mind' is an excuse not to be honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pure essence of love is not governed by the mind but the heart!.

When the mind controls the heart then love is compromised and it's true meaning hidden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a defense mechanism, in fear of being hurt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com