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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are your views/thoughts in regards to Quantum Mechanics?

Question: What are your views/thoughts in regards to Quantum Mechanics!?
Anything you wanna say in regards to this subject!? please say!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, you should have put this in the physics category - but since you asked!.

Quantum Mechanics will put everything together!. Including god!.



Quantum Mechanics - the string theory - all of everything may be found in quantum mechanics!.

Do not be offended!. God is not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quantum mechanics is great, just don't try reading a book about it while standing in a funhouse mirror that extends into infinity!. Quantum mechanics makes assumptions about the level of density apparent within the universe, which is a very bad thing to do, especially with numbers like c^2 out there!. In other words, strings underlie molecules, which underlie atoms, which underlie compounds, which underlie organisms, which underlie species etc etc etc, but how many layers does the rabbit hole go in reverse!? What underlies strings and what underlies the things that underlie strings!?

The fascile example of Schrodinger's cat brings quantum mechanics closer to the realm of religion than it does science (it might be alive or dead, and that's our answer!.) Actually, just about anything can be explained in that fashion (the earth could be round or flat, we just don't know) so perhaps the only good thing about quantum mechanics is that Schrodinger wasn't born in the 2nd century and tried to explain what it is that we were standing on (we're either standing on a planet or dead, who knows!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Mindful Universe," Henry P!. Stapp, Ph!.D!.,
"The Self-Aware Universe," Amit Goswami, Ph!.D!.,
and http://www!.divinecosmos!.com
give examples of how it applies in our daily lives!.

"Psychoenergetic Science," William A!. Tiller, Ph!.D!., http://www!.tiller!.org has some interesting applications of SU(2) symmetry parameters to intentionality and biofield efforts!.

It is well to note that decoherence of a standing Wave, e!.g!. "God/Mind," does not, in quantum mechanics, require either energy or mass activity!. This stepdown geometrization is thus a valid hypothesis of how Mind may be "let abide in you, as it was in Christ Jesus!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

As someone who can read as much as possible on just about anything thats been written, all I can say is that it is intriguing and beneficial!. Yet, with most of the physics that we have excepted, I feel it is far from correct!. In laymens, it just doesn't add up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truthfully, I know very little about the subject!. However, it is extremely interesting!. I would love to take some courses in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why isn't this question in Physics!? It isn't a matter of philosophy after all these years of practical use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it tastes like chicken!.

And my theory about string is that it is good for flying kites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's great if you're indecisive or you really hate cats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com