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Position:Home>Philosophy> What was one of your most life-altering decisions made thus far?

Question: What was one of your most life-altering decisions made thus far!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Motherhood!. I was dethroned as the most important thing in my life!. I no longer set my own agenda and ended up doing things people couldn't have paid me to do (cleaning up poop)!. Ego went bye bye and it was cleansing and healing!.
I found the wonder in a button nose and smiling eyes!.
I had thought that marriage was the ultimate truth mirror!. I needed to learn to compromise and communicate!. That was easy compared to what was to come!. Motherhood demanded complete servitude!. Talk about a boot camp!
I almost died in order to complete this pregnancy and it was honestly worth it!. It's not for wimps or people looking to fit it into their lives!. Total surrender!.
Now he's older and I have more of my own time and chances to be about me!. Some of it is a relief but I'll never forget the mornings spent counting toes and using all my best physical humour to get a laugh!. That tops it all!.
Thanks for bringing back those memories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now at 73 looking back my most important decision was at 23 when my first child was born, my son, I felt a rush like nothing before in my short life I thought it was a parental thing and I guess in away it was but now I know it was a leading from the Spirit within!. The decision I made was not a conscious one but I now know it as the decision of my life, to be the best Father husband and person I could be setting the best example I could for my family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

most likely to ignore what the government thinks is right for me and start making decisions based on my own morals!. I used to follow everything that they said, under the belief of "why would our government want to hurt its people"!.

I know realize that money drives them and their motives aren't pure, so when i realized that and decided to no longer trust what i hear from them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My decision to quit school, quit my two jobs and move to Boston with my gf was by far the most important decision of my life!.

She drank my money and threw me into the street!. I drank alcoholically and was homeless on and off for three years!. Then I got sober, never would have back home!. So I am so grateful to her for ruining my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To adopt a child from China!. Then another!. Both the best (and hardest!) decisions I have ever made (with my husband) and has changed my life, his life and most importantly - my children's lives for the better!. I can not imagine my life without my two children!.!.!. I was happy before!.!.!. I am happier now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

taking a psychedelic substance!.!.!.the knowledge gained changed me forever!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have decieded my future and that I do not want to be controled by people anymoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

my choice to let him in and to get married to him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com