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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you believe a lie does it make it true (for you)?

Question: If you believe a lie does it make it true (for you)!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Each person has their own truth
based on their beliefs!.
(Beliefs come in many ways to be!.!.!.
Some in the way of a lie)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True for you but by no means really true!. It is said in the Vedic philosophy that human beings have four main defects!. They are subject to make mistakes and have misconceptions, they are subject to illusion, they have defective perception and they are subject to be cheated!.
What to do!? Well the Vedas go on to give the remedy- chanting of God's names, (mantra meditation) and devotional service to God!. By this one should cut through the main illusion, believing the temporary body to be the self and not giving any nourishment to the soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what it's about, but if you truly believe something to be true, despite it being a lie, well, you're not wrong for that!. If you pretend to believe something to be true, though you know it's not really, well, then it's not true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For you yes!. Because when you believe in sth so for you it must be true because nobody would believe in sth they think is a lie!. I think that a lie becomes a lie for you when you do not believe, not when you do believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No my dear!.You will be creating an illusion to satisfy your ego!.
Thanks for asking dear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course not!. Truth is not relative!. Lies can't change reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting question! i dont know but i want to know what other peoples say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is held in the mind of the believerWww@QuestionHome@Com