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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do humans find the concept of co-incidence so hard to accept?

Question: Why do humans find the concept of co-incidence so hard to accept!?
Co-incidence happens all the time, every day, all over the world, but it seems humans insist on calling it "fate", or "karma"or even "god's will" or "god's wrath"!. Worse even than that, they revert to complex conspiracy theories!.

My question is : why do modern educated humans have such a hard time accepting co-incidence in daily life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it's because so many people want to believe that there is a reason for our lives, so they attach meaning to happenings (such as coincidence) that might otherwise not have any meaning!. I hope that makes sense!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we all know that there's more to life than we have experienced!.
Now I'm no extremist, but I have experienced my share of what many would call "the paranormal"
I never just believe anything I see or hear, I don't believe in curses or palm reading, etc!. If all other "scientific" means of explaining something have been proved impossible I admit that it's beyond my knowledge and accept that humans, that science cannot explain everything!. We live in a universe of unlimited knowledge!.

As for coincidence directly, sometimes things are just meant to happen!. Perhaps, karma, fate, and God's will (for God has no wrath) are coincidences used by the higher power (whatever you may call him/her/they) to educate or enlighten people!.
Sometimes you know there's more than you're seeing, people aren't stupid, we want to know everything that's going on!. Before there were microscopes, all matter still had to be made of something, we just didn't know what!.
Open your mind, it works better that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It may be that humans are programmed to look for patterns where none exist!. When our survival depended on being able to recognize the patterns of animals, our brains were able to take complex reams of information and make predictions!. To a great extent, we still use that predictive ability to cross streets, avoid hitting other cars while driving and in a million other ways!. However, correlation is not causality!. For example, if every time you watched the hockey game, your favourite team lost, you might begin to think that it was you who caused that loss!. I also think that a part of this trend to believe that everything happens for a reason is that we tend to want to overestimate our importance, or our ability to control the uncontrollable!. For example, it always seems to rain on the days when I've forgotten my umbrella!. Either I'm very unlucky or !.!.!. perhaps I'm a rain god!. Sure, it sounds ridiculous to state but there are a great many people who believe a great many silly things because, well, they want to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ironically, students of science try to understand and relate everything such that everything is explainable and predictable by their theories such that coincidence is unthinkable!.

a ball rolled down the hill and hits another ball causing it to roll down the hill!. physicist say it's conversation of momentum!. buddha says karma!. christian says god's will!. fortune teller says fate!. you say concidence!. why ask others to accept your concept if it's so hard for you to accept others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because humans seek logic and seek to add reason and explaination to something!. Something that is a co-incidence is not logical or scientific and humans try to make it so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it is human nature to believe that everything happens for reason co-insidence doesn't fall into this!. It is also a wide spread belief that there is such a thing as fate and destiny, not something i believe in thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think I am a human in fact I am sure i am a human!. I am even a modern educated one! I have no problem accepting coincidence!. So don't lump all of humanity into one category and make generalised statement!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's probably because the concept of co-incidence is so vague!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being superstitious and uneducated,,everything has a scientifically explainable reasonWww@QuestionHome@Com

why don't you accept it as fate karma or god's will!?

there is reasoning to both sides!. don't get all mad just because others don't agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was just about to ask the same thing!. Spooky!Www@QuestionHome@Com