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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who is not a hypocrite, or has never been one? And if one would say they are not

Question: Who is not a hypocrite, or has never been one!? And if one would say they are not a hypocrite,!.!.!.!?
would you consider that you could be, or could have been a hypocrite, or could be prone to being a hypocrite,!.!. without realizing it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think most people are and don't realize it!. I am no exception!. I tell my gf to slow down and drive slower, but when I'm alone I drive just as fast or faster!. just an example!. theres more but thats a whole different show!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, to all of the above!.

Now that we've cleared the fog; let's
delve into the true definition of
hypocrisy, shall we!?

Hypocrite: A person who is habitually insincere and false;
especially one who makes professions of goodness when
his/her aims are selfish and his/her life is corrupt!.

One doesn't accidentally become a hypocrite; they plan it!.
And they very well know what they are doing!.
It's not to be mistaken as sin; for we all sin, especially when we're not under the authority and submissiveness of Christ!.

So, now that we have our facts all lined up in a row; it's far
easier to determine that not everyone is a hypocrite!.!.nor has been one!. To consider that one could be, or could have been a hypocrite, or could be prone to being a hypocrite without realizing it, is definitely feasible but not plausible; since hypocrisy requires one to try to be something good which they already know that they're the polar opposite of!.

Great question!


I suppose it depends on your definition!. Mine would be : One who, professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he depises!.

I think you must consciously decide to be a hypocrite and at some point everyone lives down to my definition!. I am doing it now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hypocrite!? do u mean pretentious or wearing mask!? Everyone is hypocrite but only differs in level of hypocrite!. b'cos we live in this world not alone but need social networking to maintain our survival!. Yeah!.!.!.sound scary as seems like there is nobody honest here to one another!.!.!.that's make life wonderful!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone has been a hypocrite in some point of there life time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com