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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you like to visit Zoos?

Question: Do you like to visit Zoos!?
Do you think it is unfair to lock animals inside cages!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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No there are enough monkeys, baboons and apes walking round masquerading as human beings!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and no!. Yes because the animals are contained and may never have the chance to live the life they were "supposed" to live!. No mainly simply because the factor of "survival of the fittest"!. Some, not saying all, of those animals will have a greater chance of living a longer life in an almost identical habitat that the animal should be in!. They aren't neglected, they aren't being hunted down and they're in a completely controlled environment!. People are highly interested in seeing these animals and they are much safer viewing them this way also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it's not just about putting animals on display for peoples entertainment!. Zoos not only provide a nice sunday for many families, but they also serve as a way to study the habits of different animal and to further research so many things about animals that could not normally be researched if the animal were in the wild!. Zoos also help with animal population by protecting endangered animals!. also different Zoos various breeding programs help out nearly extinct animals as well!. Zoos serve quite a few purposes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I think it's unfair;freedom is the most precious thing in this world even for animals, so that they can develop their natural skills and adopt with their ways of lives!. It would be better if they provide the most threatened species with a protected open area, rather than locking them in cages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, poor things!. They can be really useful in the forest!. I bet they won't like to be locked up in a cage either if they know that they are!. I hate seeing monkeys in the cages and also the other animals as well!. That is why I hate visiting zoos!. Do you!?

Yes, They might be dangerous and they could cause trouble!. They are cute and we could find interesting facts about them in zoos!. These animals are wild and they could damage things easily

Thank you for asking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The enslavement and division of humanity within the hypocritical and contradictory will and regime of the prevailing will is equally cruel and symptomatic in other areas of life!. Imprisoning and captivity is inhumane but giving consideration of the majority rule of carnal nature compared to human, it is understandable!.

After all Noah and his spouse were heavily outnumbered by the quotient afforded to the animals!.God is an equal opportunities benefactor !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to, but not any more!. My daughter and her boyfriend went just recently!. I asked her if she had fun!. She said,"if you enjoy seeing them fighting and tearing each other apart!."! I reflected on what she had said and arrived to a startling conclusion!. We have so much 'negative energy' floating around out there today!. How can it not affect the animals!? The keepers, the visitors and the all around anger that is so prevalent in today's society!.
When I used to go, I would see the animals playing and tagging each other in fun!. The animals would try to communicate with you!. Sometimes a little too close for comfort!. But now I see that it is more than likely, anger and dissention among them too!. We were supposed to be their guardians, and now look at just how much our anger has reflected on them!. It's sadly pathetic!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, I hate zoos and I hate seeing animals in cages!. regardless of those who say that some species of animals are kept there because they would be endangered in the wild, I think it's a matter of natural selection!.!.!. animals should be left only in their own environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it can break their spirit make and them lazy so that they can't hunt if they were put back into the wild!. did you know that the cobras you see on tv that come out of the basket for entertainment purpses have no fangs!. the purposely remove them for the safty of the public and whe the snake gets too old to perform they throught it back in to the wild and it will eventually starve to death becuase he cant hunt!. i work for aspcaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Used too!. I don't like to see animals locked up!. In South Africa (plenty of space) they built enclosures!. X+ by Y+ big with everything in it that, that animal needs!. Some animals can never be put back in a game reserve, because they'll die!.
People spoil these animals, think they are pets, research objects, and targets for their rifles and dogs!.
Live and let live - even animals!.

I don't visit them because the last time i did, it got me lots of ostrich and hyena-turned stalkers!.!.

2nd Q: Yup, certainly, Problem is!? think about elephants and donkeys, lions and the likes!., contributing to traffic and they have no idea what yellow green and red lights signifies on the roadway!.!.!.!.tsk!.!. tsk!.!.!.ill always be 10x late for work!.!.!.(sigh!)if that would be the case!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is surely unfair to !.!.!.!.
All animals should be kept in big open space so that they can meet each other / eat each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No and No!. I couldn't care much less about animals!. Why should I care about them!? They don't care about me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well animals also deserve to b free but as man is superior to then !.!.!.he uses them for his amusement which is not fair at all!.!.!.!.man should understand that freedom is ABOVE all luxuriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

YES! its called abuse! its depressing seeing wild and helpless animals in cages!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, they visit me!.!.!.!.every fcuking christmas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

SHHHH!! be quiet!.!.!.they dont know they are locked up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes,it is sad and unfair,but I like to visit the zoo!.!.!.!.how sick is that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Animals are free spirits and it is a breach of natural law to restrain them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you think it's unfair to lock people inside cages!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


They love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com