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Question: Is truth relative!?
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Nah! I don't tell the truth to my relatives, and they are always lying to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there are two kinds: Universal truth(objective) & relative truth(subjective)!.

Truth that is not absolute!? varying truth!? perception!?

I have 10 toes altogether, now thats an absolute truth!.

Scientists still yet succeeded in looking inside an atom, but we still have models for whats inside, and learn them from school!. Is that a truth!? No perception - relative truth!.

'Facts are stubborn things which cannot be changed!.'

'There are no facts/truth, only interpretations!.'

Two quotes, different 'truth'!.

in conclusion, truth is both absolute and relative, absolute truth is more dominant however, there are more 'relative truth' than the actual truth because somethings cant be 'absolute' truth as we'll find flaws!. ie - few 'vestigial organs', we thoughts they have no function, and we took that as 'absolute truth', now we found some of them are not 'vestigial' at all!. So the 'absolute truth' was actually 'relative truth'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is itself objective: something cannot be true for me and false for you!. It might be true that I like chocolate ice cream and it might be true that you don't, but if I say "chocolate ice cream is delicious," I'm making an objective claim about the true nature chocolate ice cream (that I shouldn't be making)!. I can't tell whether the claim "chocolate ice cream is delicious" is true or false because the truth is that chocolate ice cream has certain characteristics that some people find delicious and that some don't find so delicious!. In simple terms, truth is objective, but finding real truth is next to impossible (if not, just impossible) because every perspective yields another possibility!.

Here's another tired example just for clarity: let's say Alan is a Muslim and Baker is an atheist!. It would be wrong to say that it is true for Alan that God exists and it is true for Baker that God does not exist!. The truth is that Alan and Baker each have distinct perceptions of the world in which they live and they have formed opposite conclusions about the truth of the ultimate reality of the universe!. But is it true that God exists!? Who is correct: Alan or Baker!? Either God exists or he doesn't, but what is the truth!? The truth is just that: either God exists or he doesn't!. Every possible experiential perspective takes a stab at finding out the truth (which exists and is objective) but the problem is that while the truth is objective, every perspective is subjective, so our ideas of truth aren't 100% accurate (and even if they were, we wouldn't know it)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not at all!. True Truth is absolute!. There is only one true Truth in any matter!. If it isn't, then what are you doing!? Sitting, you say!? So then isn't it true that you are sitting!? In relation to sitting, you either are or you aren't right!? How reletive could that be!? Give me your imput and correct me if you believe I am wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess, yes, it is relative!. (I say god exists, but you say no)

However, I think "truth" can be seen from many different facets and will remain the same!.

"relative" truths that are not all identical, don't qualify as truth to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No its absolute, truth is what judges all, it is a standard, relative is to relaxed and tries to get around the truth and put in your own feeling and ideas, truth supersedes your feeling and ideas and is usually something you can't handleWww@QuestionHome@Com

no!. it is the absolute!. and since words are bound in duality, and are therefore relative (good - bad, high - low, better - worse), they can never convey the absolute as it is!. they can only point to!.
you can describe facts through words, but not the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is both relative and not relative!. Truth contains it's own opposite and includes every kind of knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course all truth is relitive to knowledge and understanding!. We cannot live without facts but we try to live with fixated truth just why so manny problems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jeff, I now owe Temari 5 bucks, she said you would say that!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth is eternal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!.

I can't remember a relative by that name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes Sis, it is! (LOL Jeff)Www@QuestionHome@Com