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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has technology made your life easier or harder, why?

Question: Has technology made your life easier or harder, why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Easier, because it takes less time and effort to do things like clean the house, communicate with family and friends, save memories (pictures, video all on the computer)!. It has allowed me to make new friendships with people who aren't in my immediate sphere, and that is the one priceless thing that technology has done for me, personally!.
Harder, because for a traditionalist (an epithet I despise but which is continually applied to me) it's taken away the human interaction, the grace and manners of society and led to ethically shaky ground!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harder!. You can never just step off and disappear!. Cell phones, GPS tracking, satellites watching, video surveillance, and lab tests that tell you what you may have hidden in your DNA!. Better!. Able to do facial reconstruction to identify bones/bodies!. Video surveillance to catch the bad guys in the act and prosecute!. Cell phones that help people find help even on the top of a mountain!. Lab tests that identify diseases and can formulate a plan to treat and sometimes cure them!. It is what it is depending on your mind set!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love technology!! it's a blessing and nobody can deny this!. BUT as anything in life it has two sides!.!.!.a good side and a bad side! it IS making my life easier! I can for example manage doing many things while I'm sitting here on my desk using my laptop and internet!. I can interact with people from all over the world!. I can talk to my darlings who live miles away from me via cam and headset!
And mobile phones!! a blessing right!? in my case it makes my life a little bit harder! weird!? nah! I hate it!.!.it's enslaving!.!.your parents always calling to ask where you are and you cannot move without it!. Shy guys tend to message you and this irks me! or call you over the phone and you spend hours talking! and I prefer face to face conversations! lol
anyway! I love technology! but I guess we need smart ones! and not at the expense of other things like nature, etc!.

Back in the 40's they believed all this technology would make life easier for everyone!. Everyone would work less and have much more time to relax!. However, this has not been the case!. We now over work ourselfs to the point of developing depression and plenty of stress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has made life harder and more "ignorant!."
With the computers!. You don't have to know how to spell,
since you can "check spelling!."
And I see people every day, that ask:
"What does this word mean!." Since they don't know what a
dictionary is!. Or they're asking to have their homework done!.
But!. They sure know how to "text!." <}:-})Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it's both i would say but the more it comes out the more humans will be lazy so i would say it's best maintain it!. Not to much of this or to much of that!. Not only will it make us lazy but will cause the pollution on earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both, easier phisically, but harder mentally and intelectually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com