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Position:Home>Philosophy> The meaning of life(your opinion)! 10 points for most convincing answer!?

Question: The meaning of life(your opinion)! 10 points for most convincing answer!!?
In your opinion what is the meaning of ife!? why are we here, who sent us here!.!.!.etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The sun by itself means nothing!.

But with respect to the earth, it means everything!.

And so a life, which has no meaning by itself, can mean everything to another life!.

The 'rules' for the game of life are simply to collect energy, reproduce, & defend your self / tribe!.

But there is no real meaning to the game beyond the desires of those who choose to play!.

It's like football!. Any given play has a meaning with respect to the game; but the game itself has no meaning beyond the enjoyment of those who participate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life has no "meaning"!.

The reason this is such a popular idea, and people speak of life's meaning so often is due to a misappropriation!. See, everything we do in life, every action we take part in, has a purpose, and an end!. Because of this, when speaking of life, we confuse it with an action, probably because, like actions, it also has an end (though no apparent purpose)!. The lack of an obvious purpose is what makes this question appear so mysterious!. But life is not an action but an actor, and actors don't have meaning (purpose), only their actions do!.

Life is being!. It should not be interpreted, though it has been throughout history, as the act of a being!. This legacy is part of the influence on the current misappropriation!. You are (a) life!. I am (a) life!. The ant crawling on the wall is (a) life!. We (life) are not something that has been done, but something that does things!.

Why don't actors have meanings!? For something to have meaning it needs to be perceived as meaningful by an executor or participator!. This is the actor!. But actors are not things that happen through the execution of, or participation in, an act by another being!. Actors exist, independently of the actions of any other actor!. This makes them meaningless!. But, that's what actors are!.

Another popular contention is that our consciousness is our life, when it's clear that it's just a feature of it!. This allows people to imagine a scenario where we are both the life agent (actor), and the "life action" that the actor takes part in!. The so-called "life action" that the actor (the actual life or being) takes part in is improperly defined as life!. It's proper definition is as consciousness!. In other words it is wrong to say that you're "living" by virtue of being conscious!. All this says is that you're aware of it!. Because we can't account for life, even our own, without awareness, this is a popular confusion!.

The meaning-of-life problem, then, is only an imaginary problem, brought about by the misappropriation of the concept of purposeful (human) action to the idea of "purposeful" life!. This idea, again, stems from a legacy of having life defined as a foreign act!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for askin the most important question of ones life!.
According to the ancient Vedas (the original
How to" books that came with the material creatio,) We are not this material body, IE; Race, color, nationality, Religion, mind, intellect, senses, job, etc!. We are all eternal spirit souls, part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc!. We never die, only this mortal body dies!. This material world is not our real home, it is called Maya (illusion) and is temporary and full of misery, only one fourth of the souls come here, and the rest are enjoying blissful eternal loving relationships with our Maker named above!. We fell here due to envying Gods position!. He made the material world for those who want to try to live separately from Him (Which is impossible because He is actually everywhere)!. After many lifetimes of trying to be happy in this temporary world, one becomes frustrated and board and begins to question their existence!. We then seek out real happiness, and when one becomes sincere God reveals how to come back Home!. Those who are intelligent, take up the process of self realization (Bhakti Yoga), which begins with the chanting of the Maha Mantra, (the great mantra for deliverance from all suffering and illusion), which gives one real peace, happiness and reality!. (see my profile for a link for all info on this mantra)!. Then at the end of life, they can give up all material attachments and fully surrender to God and return to the eternal Kingdom, where there is no more birth, death, old age, or disease and be eternally happy!. I am so glad I know what life means and what to do while I am here!.
For info!. Go to harekrishnatemple!.com Read Bhagavad Gita- As it is by Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, you can read it on line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LIFE is an opportunity---to share, to love and to be the best person u can be!. In this world of ours where there seems be a lot of chaos, hungry people around, people killing other people and things like that, we indeed need to do something to make a difference!. But to change the world, we need to start with ourself!. For though we may not have notice it, every act we do affects the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This galaxy is a big petrie dish!. The whole thing is a very interesting experiment in some other world's lab!.

Where that world is and who they are is a mystery to most of us!.

I think that every once in a while they get bored and introduce some disaster or other!. Really, how many times have you destroyed an anthill just because you could!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

These are the worst type of questions you can possibly ask!. Here is my question!. Does it really matter!? Theory is a bunch of crap that people randomly make up to figure out how life works!. Well i got news for you, no man will ever figure it out, and so stop waisting your life trying to answer questions that cannot be answered!. If you have a religious belief, stick with that and stop wondering cause you will never figure it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the meaning of life!.!.

is to sit at home and answer questions on yahoo answers!.!.

no!.!. really!.!. the meaning of life is different for each individual person!. one may live for god; another may live for her useless boyfriend!. for me, the meaning of life would be to make something out of my life!.!. so that when i die, i would had succeeded in doing something!.!. making a difference in my own way!.!. oh no!.!. it sounds soooo cheesy!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

"WE" are the answer to all your questions!

Why are we here!? because WE want to be here!.

Who sent us here!? WE sent ourselves here!.

What is the meaning of life!? We made this question
and the answer to that question is: what ever the answer WE give to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What makes you think there is a meaning!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

not worrying about beinjg convincingWww@QuestionHome@Com

The purpose of life is life itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My life has meaning to those I love and who love me!.!.at least I hope!Www@QuestionHome@Com

God! And you are the moderator now!.!.!.hmm, why not 20 points!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is to help others and do God's will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any fish will bite!.!.!. if you use the right bait!.!.!.

THINK ABOU IT!.!.!. this is Philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com