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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we as humans, give in so easily..?

Question: Why do we as humans, give in so easily!.!.!?
!.!.to despair & desperation, & end up taking our own lives!? Why do we obsess & focus on 1 or 2 obstacles that are holding us back, instead of embracing what we do have, & making the most of the opportunities that LIFE gives us!?
To all those wonderful souls who took their own life!.!.I'm sorry that you could never get a chance to see what you really mean to me!. If you only knew what a wonderful, magnificent creature that you were & always will be, you just weren't aware of it!.!. peace and love!.
RIP Vincent and Kurt xoxoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because In our early years of life, Every thing is disguised as gumdrops and lolly pops!.!. Then as soon as life hits us and knocks us over, we wonder Why it isn't fair like it was during childhood!. Why it is now all of a sudden harder, and more complex!. That is why we give in, Because few don't have the Willpower not to do so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have to say, your attitude towards human nature is pretty pessimistic!. We, as humans, don't give in that easily in my opinion!. Look at the facts; the vast majority of people do not commit suicide!. Many of us do embrace the opportunties posed by living, but I do think it's sad that, generally, those with more opportunities are not necessarily the happiest!.
Anyway, why don't you try embracing humanity a bit more!? All in all, most of us live our lives happily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems that the pain sometimes out weights the good and when this happens all you can think about is getting rid of the pain!. I too have had this pain and tried to kill myself but it was not to be for I am still alive!. I will gladly trade my life for one that did not make it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Allen D said it!. Its true,
We slowly tell our 7 year old about the reality of life then it won't hit her so hard when she becomes a young adult, she asks a lot of questions and we answer her truthfully (within reason of course) it doesn't have to be negative if brings you a positive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace and love to you too, gentle soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz we r humansWww@QuestionHome@Com