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Question: Uniqueness!?
Do you think you stand out above others!? What makes you unique!? Are you "different" in a "good" or "bad" way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like to think that for a 58 year old grandmother I look incredable!.
I Let myself be me and not the life that the X had created!. I will never know why I lived his version of life!.
The important thing is that I am me now!.
I don't dress like an old lady!. and I have a sense of adventure and spunkiness that keeps my heart young!.
My hair is long!. I am a bit quirky, just enough to be interesting and not so much to be called crazy!.
I don't buy in to the dimonds and gold!.!.!.!.I am more beads and such!. I have been called a gypsey or a flashback to the 60's
Only becasue they are selling stuff that are a flashback from that time!.
I color outside of the lines!.
I have become the artist and writer that I always wanted to be!.
My sense of adventure exceeds my bodiies ability to do what I want to do!. I continue to learn what I missed out of in school!.
Dogs and kids love me!.
When I die, I want people to say!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.wow she was such an interesting charactor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The need to exist, at least for something, different from anyone else is a little more complex to comprehend!. For the moment, let's suppose that this diversity didn't exist!. I believe that the first sensation would be fear of not existing, as if in some way our existance was necessary because of that difference that, distingueshes us from others, as if it were necessary!. Because we all need to feel necessary!. If we were all alike, which other people's need would our existance satisfy!? So, also the need of unicity ends again in the need for sociality!. But we could also have the necessity of feeling unique so to have a role, a better position in the group, to be chosen, to have more power, in every sense, even undirectly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well everyone is different, but i am a little more different than most!.!.!.

i do tend to stand out to others, i dress a bit strangely( kind of like a mix of Amy lee, Maralyn Manson, & tank girl), but even if i tone it down i still get stared at! i think even if i look normal, the wierdness still seems to show through!.!.!.

i have some unusual views & values, things that would shock others dont bother me at all, on the other hand i often find myself outraged by things that most people wouldnt even notice!. i also have strange asthetic taste, i'm very artistic & musical but the majority of people dont get what i do!.!.!.

as for it being a good or bad kind of different, it depends who you ask, people either love me or hate me, mostly the latter though!.!.!. personally i love my 'uniqueness', but if you want to go by the opinion of the masses(or 'sheep' as i call them), i'm not well received by most, shame really, i think they're missing out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This has to be evaluated by others and not by self !. There is a thread bare difference between EGO & SELF ESTEEM!. So you function according to best for you and let people evaluate what you are ! Either Unique - or Good or Bad -

Any amount of your thinking and your own presumption is futlle if not recognised by others !. One great man of the 20century has mentioned that - MY DEEDS ARE MY SAYINGS

So let your work and performance and passion be evaluated by others and let them say what you are !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every one of us is unique physically, intellectually, emotionally, etc!. in that no 2 persons are alike in those respects!. Our uniqueness is an advantage we should capitalize on to the hilt to excel in a particular field of endeavor!. It seems others just don't realize this potential of proclaiming their uniqueness to the world and so fall by the wayside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!!
I have something different to say here!.

I am not so sure about myself one way or the other!.!.!. I find myself so inconsistent as I would not tolerate someone else to be!. Yet I find others too equally inconsistent!.!.!.!.!.!.!. can inconsistency lead to any uniqueness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think everyone on earth is unique, it is whether they are appreciated or being abuse!. There are always good and bad people in all nationalities!. I am not good or bad, I am a plain human being with feelings, just like othersWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm one of a unique few who have rid them selves of the chemicals in the environment that have made the people sheep to the propaganda of the leadership !. I now see that the empire has no cloths !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i know I'm different because others tell me so!.!.!. they say I'm this or that -- strong, courageous!.!.!.!. but i just don't get it!. I DO know most of my answers at YA attack points of view that others just don't see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am unique,nobody similar to me exists in the universe!.It is a dignity conferred by the existence for every being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes everyone has something unique to them, i am a loser!.Www@QuestionHome@Com