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Position:Home>Philosophy> What will happen if i kill myself?

Question: What will happen if i kill myself!?
I'm fourteen and i just don't do want to live anymore, life has begun to lose its meaning to me and i just don't want to bother with life anymore, my tolerance of it has reached its limit, i just want to know what will happen after i kill myself, how would i effect others if any!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Don't listen to the people saying its a sin!. They don't know what life is to begin with!. I'm not claiming that I know, but I do know that life is not about following dogma!.
Life is so precious in this universe!. Think of it this way, you are one life out of billions of possibilities!. Everything had to come out perfectly in order for you to be existing!. Sure, you are tiny compared to the big scheme of things, but at least you have the opportunity to experience it!. It would be sad if you decided to end your miracle of being one in a billion+ chances!. I believe that every life offers something to the future!. Your life gives meaning to others lives and vice-versa!.!.!.for example, what you are posting is affecting all of us who are replying because we wouldn't be replying if we didn't care!.
Really think about what I just said and give meaning to your life!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have got to be kidding!.It will not effect any thing or any one, the only way to do that is to live the best like you can!. How can anything loose it meaning when you do not even know whats going on!.at fourteen, you really know nothing and do not have any life experiences yet!. the only thing that will happen, is you will be dead!. and most people will not even know of your passing!. But if you stay around for years, maybe you will do something great that people will remember you for when you do die, only time will tell!. If you decide to go on your trip to the other side, I can not even say a prayer for you as I do not even know you name!. But I will think, "What a waist" she had so much to live for and do not under stand living life!. An I do hope this is not over a boy!. What a loss!. Put it off for a while, and see what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your close family and friends will mourn for you!. You will break their hearts, burden them with terrible guilt and cause devastation of epic proportions in their lives!. Not to be cold, but time will heal the wounds and their lives will continue as before, though it will be sadder!.

You, on the other hand will not be around to witness the terrible guilt, devastation and heartbreak that you will have caused!.

You are very young to be considering such an irreversible decision!. It is an act that is remarkable in its finality!. There will be no "second chance" to come back and see what happened after you made that devastating choice!.

Please reconsider taking your life!. If you want meaning in your life, start doing things for other people!. Volunteer at a hospital, nursing home or some other place where there are lonely people who would love the touch of kindness that you could bring into their lives!. Perhaps when you see how truly blessed you are to be able to get up everyday and live your life free of pain, and to enjoy the company of your friends and family whenever you want to, you will think twice about how much meaning your life really has!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your thinking is hardwired wrong!. You see things backwards so that you do not see things as they are!.

However, if you kill yourself that is a sin, and that sin will have to be paid for and you are going to pay for it!.

You need to experience life and learn what is good; many people like you are taught that things are wrong or bad to the point where you do not explore things which can be fulfilling and lead you into a very happy life!.

But many people have no hope because subconsciously it is known that Christ is returning to destroy the world and bring the world into Judgement!.

In any case one must become saved, or stand for judgement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are thousands of people who will never get the chance to meet you!. 14 isn't easy, but if you try to just adjust your tolerance of people!. Use their actions to benefit your knowledge and experience!. If you do something to yourself, your life path will not flow the way it was intended!. Others will suffer - tremendously!. Family, Friends - even people you don't think know, or care, anything about you!. I can tell you - it is not your time!. I guarantee it as you took the time to write and ask the world what they thought!.!.!.!.!.!. so reconsider any hurtful actions you may be thinking about - the next 10 - 20 years may just show you some amazing things!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your family and friends will be upset because your gone!. Depending on the person, other's memory of you will be stained with the fact that you killed yourself!. Your parents might feel guilty, they might think that they could have done more and might feel that it was thier falt that you killed yourself!.

You will also become another statistic!. Millions of people commit suicide every year because of money, pain, depression, shame, etc!.

But really, you should talk with someone about this, like a Parent, friend, or a therapist!. Maybe even that Crisis hotline (1-800-273-TALK (8255) )!. Pretty Please Don't Kill and/ or harm yourself in anyway!. That'd majorly suck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your family and friends will mourn for one flicker of a candlelight in the time-span of the universe!. They will soon die, humanity will die, all life will die, the sun will explode, and nothing will ****ing matter!. Nothing at all ever mattered!. There is no God or afterlife as far as anyone can demonstrate!.

But is this really the truth!? Or is there hope for something better than this cruel and insane world has to offer!? I really don't ****ing know and don't understand how others claim to "know" in either camp!. However, what I do know without a shadow of a doubt is if you kill yourself, you'll never ever know what was really going on behind the scenes!.

Just an hour ago I was contemplating buying a shotgun!. The day before I did the same!. I remind myself of this simple fact: there is hope for more to know!. That's enough for me to at least stall my suicidal thoughts one day at a time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you will die and everyone you know will be sad!.
this is life, dont give up yet, you never know whats head of you, you could have a beautiful wife and a mansion in the future!.

a lot people are asking for second chances and here you are wanting to die!? your just confused but you will realize that the world has much to offer, would you really rather be nothing, non-existent

ive been there, where you are now, weve all been teenagers once, and how you feel is completely normal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What will happen!? You will no longer be here, How do you know you won't go somewhere that's worse!? Life sux, but it ALWAYS beats the alternative! I remember the "Why should I care" "Whats the point", but guess what, You WILL get past it, I did, Believe it or not life does go on, but it only does if your still here!. Besides, checking out is a cowards way out, Show yourself that you have the courage to tell the rest of the world to go screw itself! I am here and you can't stop me!! You will thank yourself later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life hasn't lost its meaning to you, you simply haven't found it yet!. Truth is that what sets us apart from other animals is that we 'Hues' never grow up!. We are always constantly pushing the boundaries of what it means to be adult and mature!.

Sounds as though life has dealt you some bad cards early on!. Boo hoo, I'm serious, I'm weeping for you, I'd forgotten what that is like!.!.!. but I remember!.

Fact is that if you stay alive you will know what a gift it is to start off on bad path!. What ever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger!. You will learn to pity those who have never had cause to question and therefore have never had an original thought in their lives!.

Life can be boring at times but death is really really boring!. It will come all to soon one day and then you will "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" as Dylan Thomas put it!. I do not know the people you know, I cannot tell you how your death will affect them!. But I do know that if you cease to be all eternity will be put out of step!. I do know that you have questions that it is your duty to find the answers to!.

I'm not going to tell you that suicide is a sin!. I'm an atheist !. It seems to me that good people are the ones who kill themselves all too often or who say "I'm not going to bring children into the world!." Killing yourself isn't evil, but it is WRONG!.

There is a battle going on, between right and wrong, There is yet love in the world!. Don't give in to the dark side!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death represents transition!. The desire for death is a manifest for a desire for change!. In my eyes, you have 3 options!. Accepting the world for what it is and learning to adapt, rejecting the world for what it isn't and attempting to discerning for yourself what is going on, and tertiary; actually killing yourself!.

There's also a 4th choice!.

The choice is yours to make!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

C'mon, dude-you don't wanna do that!. It's pretty bad now but things will pick up-I gurantee it!.

Evryone feels let down and alienated at your age-I did!. If there's something happening like sexual abuse, it's much better to GET EVEN-report it, go to cops, get help, get out-but don't kill yourself!Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont kill urself
ull go to hell bcuz killing urslef is a sin
n dont hink so negitivly
ur only 14 u havent begun to live yet
life is boring at 14 theres nothing to do but there will be later on
n ppl will be sad police will have to come n waste their time on a stupid person who was being selfish n ur fam will be sad
n even if u kill urself ull go to hell which will be worse
my cousin killed herself n my aunt almost died n soo much of my family was sad dont do it u have ur whole life ahead of u try to find the beauty in lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

well i believe that since god created u he definately wanted you to do and be something--if u r suffering then take it as a part of ur life---see if you can find something while u suffer--mayb u'll find that u were meant to suffer to find sth in the future for the greater good--consider asking god to help u find a way to find the truth and fulfillment!.

well i see tht it wasn't ur initial question but to answer that maybe u shud ask urself caz the only thing u'll b effecting is ur soul!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world will go on, but your family will be devastated, crippled and unable to go on!.

It would be like someone stabbed them in the heart, twisted and turned the knife, then kicked them as they lay dying of grief and sadness!.

They will never forget, nor recover, especially your parents!.
Those who love you will have a wound that will never heal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What do you want by posting this here, sympathy!? If you kill yourself you're throwing away god's only gift to you, and I will give you no sympathy to that!. If you kill yourself, it is only proving you are a coward!.
Go outside, look at the sky, HAVE A DANG EPIPHANY!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol, let's have a cup of coffee, ok!? I'll teach you more than you need to know about these emo thoughts!.!.!. just get out with a few normal friends and have an illegal drink tonight!. it will make you feel so much better than any attempt to kill yourself:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on what you believe!. In some religions you will go to hell!. But no matter what you believe, you will devistate your parents!. Seek help!. Do not kill yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as i say, u may die today, but you don't know what will happen tomorrow if u do so!. hell, u might have won the lottery or have met someone famous!.!.!.blahWww@QuestionHome@Com

it will effect you family greatly!. you should seek counseling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude life is beautiful ! Your still young!.!.!.!. Just enjoy life!.Dont loose hope!.God bless!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Give 1-800-232-6459 http://www!.family!.org M-F business hours;
and 1-800-525-LOVE http://www!.klove!.com 24/7 licensed counselors some calls!.
http://www!.befrienders!.org is good site!.

You'd do well to read "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton, "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, and "The Path of the Higher Self" and "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet!.

What they have to report is that all of a self-murderer's emotions are magnified, up to TEN times worse, and there is little alternative to the suicide having to face and deal with them, without the benefit of a physical body temple as platform for evolution, learning, and growth, and the problems seem eternal!.!.!.!.

What kinds of awareness one experiences in one's dreams (and nightmares) will tend to be where one begins!. "The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis, also helps give insight!. The problem is that of being in a dream from which one doesn't soon awake; so, unless one has lucid dream awareness http://www!.dreamviews!.com it is difficult to move from dreams which continually play out one's causes and cores of emotional distress!.

As to others being affected by such an erroneous action, yes they are, and sadly so!.

It is an infinitely wiser decision to seek help, counseling!. Often, brain chemistry is a factor; the 1-800-232-6459 people recommend trusted counselors who are conservative regarding prescription drugs, which can nevertheless help!.
The counselors also help with economic needs; as you are 14, that would be a source of help!.

If you can't sleep well, that would be a cause of depression and self-anger!. People are simply not mature, rational, until their brains develop to 20-22 years!. Hormones prior to then are also a major unbalancing factor!. You need to take a more healthy view of these, and a counselor helps!.

Simply taking brisk, half-hour walks during the daylight hours, 3-5 times a week, helps enhance self-esteem, good feelings, and reduce depression!. Your emotions and thoughts would be greatly helped by your planting a few flowers and vegetables in your yard or in a flower pot!. Taking care of them, loving a pet, even enjoying chocolate, are ways of relieving and reducing tensions!.

http://www!.coasttocoastam!.com is a nighttime radio program, if you can't sleep!.!.!.but really, you need to seek help, maintain counseling contacts, make the calls, and not base your decisions on your judgmental abilities anytime soon!. Making the 1-800-525-LOVE call tonight is greatly worthwhile for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com