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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the phylosophy behind this??

Question: What is the phylosophy behind this!?!?
well, I dunno sometimes it's really astonishing to find people eager and willing to do the things that are classified as "sins" or what are "banned" by religions or society! why when doing them secretly is such a delectation!? Can the norms and the rules be really used by politics and religions as a type of enslavement!? but at the same time, what if there are no rules, doesn't it lead to chaoes!?
what if we just get used to the "new requirements" of life!? of our needs (of course they develop over time)!? doesn't it become normal and everybody just do whatever he or she wants without fear or in secret!?
is it even possible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It think it may be irrationalism or emotionalism--on your part!.

First you spell "philosophy" wrong; then you say, "well, I dunno!." That is not a rational way to begin!. And reading the rest of your words, it is very apparent that you "dunno!."

2nd, you say "sometimes it's really astonishing to find people eager and willing!.!.!.!.!." But you follow it up by saying its so fun to do! (delectation) So why wouldn't they be eager and willing!. Fun is fun!

3rd, if people do "sinful" things because they are fun, or for whatever reason, than "the norms and the rules" cannot be "used by politics and religions as a type of enslavement"; so you've answered that yourself!. How can they be used for "enslavement" when people are willing to do things for the fun, or for other reasons!? That is not the definition of being "enslaved!."

4th, you invoke the "norms and rules" of religion and society, then you ask if "chaos" is the opposite of such "enslavement!." Norms and rules that create stability do not have to be "enslaving" to be effective!.

5th, you fail to tell us what the "new requirement" are for our life--or even why you think we have such things!. And "of course they develop over time"!? How would we know that this is a case of "of course" when we have no idea what you are rambling on about!.

6th, what is the actualy subject of your "sins," your "banned" actions, and those things which people cannot do "without fear" or without being "in secret"!?

Please, if you are going to use the philosophy section, learn philosophy!. You have made so many mistakes of "invalidation," that I should not have even answered you!. But at least I used "valid" logic to demonstrate how you were not "logically valid!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

ethical relativismWww@QuestionHome@Com