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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are self reevaluations normal when one is a victim of circumstances?

Question: Are self reevaluations normal when one is a victim of circumstances!?
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self reevaluations are normal in any type of circumstances, they help one understand themselves better:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is rather a difficult subject to answer without some details in the circumstances the author, I presumed, had experienced!. But I would say, yes, generally, self evaluations and re-evaluations are needed in every occasion!. One can only learn from re-evaluations - - where did one go wrong, do you have time to do a plan B when your plan A did not work, do you give up or go another way to achieve one's goal!. I believe it is a natural thing to do, in one way or another, or maybe, one does not realize he is actually doing a re-evaluation!. I hope I can say more, except that, self re-evaluations are always needed to keep one's sanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are only a "victim of circumstances" if you 'chose' to be!. you don't have to evaluate or re-evaluate if you keep your person in check at all times!. This is part of one's integrity!.
I would much rather live in the 'positive' than the negative every second of every day of my life!. Being a victim and questioning oneself is all negative energy!.Get rid of it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Victim of circumstances" is an interesting phrase!. I find that most of the circumstances I experience are as a result, at least in part, of my own choices!. I think we need to recognize and take responsibility for these choices!. If you are a victim it is still worth taking a look at how you ended up in that place!.
Are there things you could do differently next time and avoid that result!? This is the self-examination part and I think it is healthy!. You may be able to find patterns in your behaviour that aren't in your best interest!. Self-examination is the right balance between blaming others and being obsessive about every interaction!. Good luck to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we all do self reevaluation,and yes I think it is normal!.
I believe that is the only way we as humans cope with situations!.We deal with situations as they occur and we are not always aware as how to deal with everything thrown in our paths!.We don't always have answers ready, when a given situation arises, we deal with it and not always the way we would have liked to!.How many times do you leave a situation feeling I should have said this or I should have said that!?
Everyone of us are 'victims 'of circumstances,some more than others!. e!.g!. we don't choose our families, the position in the famly, or the circumstance of our family!. We just have to make the best of where we are,and what we have!.
That's called life!.There are things you can change and those you can't, it is knowing the difference between the two and accepting it, that is the biggest challenge in my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, in fact I believe they may be counter-productive, establishing a negative bond between personality and "circumstance" when in fact none exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com