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Position:Home>Philosophy> Leonardo De vinchi's secret message in his paintings.....?

Question: Leonardo De vinchi's secret message in his paintings!.!.!.!.!.!?
The Last Supper - with the holy grail in between jesus and one of his aposstles(but who was really supposed to be a woman) meant he had a child!.

Mona Lisa - Her mysterious smile, which supposedly means she was the child that was portrayed through the The Last Supper!.

Do you believe his painting that he painted centuries after Jesus's birth and death!? Or do you believe the Bible that was said to be written by prophets that god specifically appointed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll take the evidence I see in the Bible over the imagination of people that have no evidence any day!.

Daniel Wallace (expert in ancient texts and early Biblical manuscripts) in an interview in the book "The Case for the Real Jesus said!.!.!. "It's disturbing that when it comes to the Christian faith, people don't really want, or know how, to investigate the evidence"

May you learn what is true in your questioning!.

P!.S!. Leonardo was no more a member of a secret order than the moon is made of cheese, he was a genius but is often described as having an attention disorder as between 80 and 90% of his projects were never complete!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Mona Lisa was pregnant with child!.!.!.a boy named Andre Giocondo!.!.!.the painting was commissioned for the families new home but reluctantly Leonardo took 17 years to finish it!.!.!.!.I really don't know where you get your information!.!.!.or rumors, but she would have been about 1500 years old, if it were true!. Don't believe everything you see in the movies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

let me guess!.!.!.the da vinci code!. how was one the male apostles (which you can't spell btw) supposed to be a woman!? that is the silliest thing i've ever heard and how is the mona lisa - painted hundreds of years later - supposed to be Jesus' child!?
i believe that the Bible was written by God through the apostles and disciples (and prophets)Www@QuestionHome@Com

its Da Vinci btw
and it doesn't really matter to me, if Jesus was married etc!. or even if he was mortal or not! I just beleive int he values and morals that he and the prophets left for us to follow!. I think that is what really matters!. And fro ther ecord yes I do belive in God!. and that Jesus exsisted!. whether or not he was the Son of God , it doesnt really matter to me!.
I dont know about whether its real or not (His 'secret Messages') but again to me, it doesnt really matter!.

and DA VINCIWww@QuestionHome@Com

There IS no Grail in The Last Supper - that is the issue!. There are 13 water glasses instead!. So where is the Grail!?!?!? Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

What do u mean theres no Grail!?!? Its the cup that Jesus uses to drink wine!. Thats the Grail, isnt it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"make movies about these painintgs"Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry, but i have no ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com

The problems Leonardo presents us is that he was living in a time when some influential humans had to be treated with more respect and honor than they ever deserved!. He was an observer and probably learned at an early age to keep his mouth shut and learn to suggest but not explicitly say things that might be interpreted as apostate!.

Whether the interpretation of the Last Supper is accurate will never be know!. The one in "The Da Vinci Code" is only one of many possible interpretations!. Perhaps Jesus had a girlfriend, it is hard for me to imagine he didn't!. If he had a child or children they would probably been born long before he was 33 years old, the age of his death!.

Since I have never seen any proof or verification for the existence of God, I cannot speculate on, nor do I think anyone can speculate on, whether God specifically appointed anyone to do anything!. I am certainly aware of a host of people, throughout history, who claim God told them to do all sorts of silly things!.

By the way, In Italian the "c" and "ch" sounds are reversed from the way we do things in English!. The English "ch" sound is "c" in Italian and the English "c" is "ch" in Italian!. That is how we spell the cello but pronounce it "chello" and the reason why Leonardo's last name is "Da Vinci" and not "Da Vinchi", even though it is pronounced like it is a "chi"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com