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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you trust the internet, do you feel as if you have the privacy you want to be

Question: Do you trust the internet, do you feel as if you have the privacy you want to be able to write whatever!?
you would like to on the net and that no one will ever read it!? Or do you believe that everything on the internet is open for public view and that if you don't want the world to know it you shouldn't put it on a computer that may ever be put on line!? Explain how you come to your conclusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the ripe age of 54 i'm a newcomer to the wonders of the internet and the computer! I find it fascinating!. But maybe it's because of my age, i don't know, but i'm very wary of what i write on the net!. There are pin numbers and passwords and verification steps to take on almost every site, and yet i feel that since all our data is stored somewhere in the airwaves - so is our privacy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The internet!? Your privacy will only be violated because someone on the internet has chosen to do this!. Whether by directly accessing your information or programming software to do so!.

Everything on the internet leaves a record somewhere and a digital footprint that can be traced!.

Use at your own risk!.

Protecting your privacy is your responsibility!. I keep secrets for no one!. I don't want the responsibility of having to keep someone's secrets, or know what they would prefer be kept private!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Immutable makes a good point!.!.!.
But anyway the Internet IS open to the public, so if you put something on line expect people to read it!. also don't expect them to agree with it!. If you don't want somebody to read it, why put it on the Internet anyway!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because it communicates through a different language and is programmable to translate specifics which resembles a great thief!.When our hearts are no longer lonely for conversation we will turn to the pen again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I submit to you the greater internet ******* theory, which states: Normal person + Audience + Anonymity = Total *******Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just use common sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com