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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you see ALL HUMAN BEINGS as brothers and sisters?

Question: Do you see ALL HUMAN BEINGS as brothers and sisters!?
Would it change our thinking and attitude towards others if we treat them in a fraternal way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes! And that I was been taught from my childhood!. At this adult age I believe and accept it from heart that all the human beings are either my brother or sister accordingly!. This is so silly & childish to think that if I take a girl as sister, I won't be able to marry or make a life-partner! Those who think this way, to them your question might go as if OUR MOM WERE OUR SISTER" or "Our uncle were our brother!!!!"
The pattern of your question or the undercurrent of your asking indicates something international----say for example 'World brotherhood'---right!? Whether right or wrong, my view to the Human beings remain the same as I boldly answered with one word:"YES, I see all the human being as brother & sister accordingly"!.
Few extra words, pls, when we ALL would be able to think that way, the percentage of conflicts, clashes, hatred, war would decrease!. [ by the way, I do not know who you are actually but you're my brother if you were a male & sister if you were a female!. How can you stab me from the back!? If you yet stab from back, then SURE you've left the HUMAN community! Can't I label you as inhuman!? Would I take you as brother/sister!?]Www@QuestionHome@Com

never and not in a million years!. People need to take a close look at their friends and really scruntinize them!. Most of your so called friends would stab you in the back if they were offered enough!. I don't mean that in a literal way unless you hang out with some really sinister individuals!. you might ask "well, how do I know this is a true friend!?" If you need to ask that; chances are you already know the answer!. You should not have one doubt in your mind about that person!. That's what a friend is!. When you don't have to question that person's virtues!. If you decided to treat all human beings like your brothers and your sisters; either you are really stupid or your brothers and sisters weren't as nice as mine were!. No, not in a fraternal way, not in a maternal way; not in any way period!. It takes a lot to trust people!. You are one of these delusional people who is going to be taken for a ride by some really scandelous person if you are not careful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Weirdly, I only see animals and plants as brothers and sisters as they live more in the ways that I do!. I just identify with saome animals and nature stuff more than most humans!. I actually view most humans as adversarial or problems to pass or deal with properly!. Eye contact, to me, is judgement and conflict waiting to happen!. All I can do is try to be kind and understanding and peaceful until someone makes me HULK SMASH !!SMASH!!! smaSH!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was little I went to a quaker school which was very diverse and peaceful!. Back then the only reason my african american classmate couldn't be my real brother was because we had different parents, not his ethnicity!. As I got older my views changed slowly because I began seeing inequality and racism!.
I think everyone should go back to that kind of feeling towards one another, where there is no difference between races or genders!. Where everyone COULD be your brother, even if they weren't similar to you in any way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not exactly!.!. Kindness should not have to be limited to people you feel close to!.
Of course thinking of all humans as your extended family is quite a powerful thing to speak of, it may hardly be possible to relate to criminals that way as someone already mentioned!.!.
Good thought tho! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

geez no! I couldn't afford such a big family! Besides, it is said that you can't choose your relatives, you can only pick your friends!. I'd say I would rather stick with the latter category but only pick a few whom I could love deeply, while the rest of the world can remain strangers to me!. you can't share yourself with too many people because you will eventually end up empty!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The enlightened and free spirited see the world community as a singular fraternity of mortals striving for peace love and liberty!.

The needful remain wanting, insecure, fearful and in a state of neediness !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I view others quite differently than family let me assure you that!.But as for treating all humans in a fraternal manner changing our thinking and attitude towards others of course it would!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ofcourse dear!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Read the NARSINH MEHTA(Indian Culture)!.!.!.!.!.he said it also!.!.!.
I am also believe in this,( left to my wife)!.!.!.!.!.
It is Completely Change life and Outlook!.!.!.!. U feel It As a "Human Being" !? !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes of course!.But there is also fratricide!.I am not talking of that!.If we can look upon others with love ,kindness and tolerance surely we will be happyWww@QuestionHome@Com

How can you treat a murderer in a fraternal way!? So no I don't see all human beings as brothers and sisters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I second Bad MamaJama!. After all, I don't live in Kentucky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, because if I viewed every woman as a sister, I would never get laid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
