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Position:Home>Philosophy> MA in Philosophy at the Open University? - Good idea?

Question: MA in Philosophy at the Open University!? - Good idea!?
Okay!. I already have just completed one useless degree and want to go for another!. When I say useless I mean useless in terms of employability but I believe in learning for the sake of learning!. So if anyone has done an MA in Philosophy, whats it like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you believe in learning for the sake of learning, then you must have an interest in Science and/or History!. You can do a degree in any of the Sciences (including Earth Sciences), Engineering, Mathematics or History; which would have employment prospects as well!. However long you live, it's not long enough to learn all the things that you would want to learn!. The best you can do is maximise efficiency and optimise your time to learn things that teaches you the most about the world we live in!. You don't need to know about other people's philosophies to be philosophical (though I admit, it helps)!.
Things that were once part of philosophy are now part of science!. Ideas need to reflect on our modern understanding of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a BS in Philosophy (no really, I earned science credits to go with it) and an MA in Sociology and I wouldn't call my degrees useless!. I've always favored self-education so the degrees just happened naturally because I do janitor work at the university that I have "violated" for knowledge!. No regrets!. I am as fulfilled as anybody can be!. Learning for the sake of learning is the highest ideal one can strive for (however, it's also nice if you can take that knowledge and make the world a better place--I'm still learning how to do that)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I know someone who has a MA in Philosophy, and he became a professor just recently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com