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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever thought it was meant for you to harm and injure someone?

Question: Have you ever thought it was meant for you to harm and injure someone!?
Have you ever thought it was meant for you to do something dangerous to someone else, because that how you think it was planned to be

Have you ever thought it was meant for you to go to jail or prison!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In a word!.!.!. no!. We have a choice in the matter and if your meds are making you feel that way, then get medical help!. It sounds to me like you are premeditating a murder and you plan to use meds as an excuse!. I hope whoever your punk-@$$ is planning to hurt blows your worthless head off your shoulders before you get the chance to kill them!. I ALWAYS carry a gun legally and if you tried that garbage on me, I would annihilate your dumb @$$!.
Listen punk, if you want to kill someone so damn bad, kill yourself!. Don't turn someone else and their family into victims!. Don't make someone's wife into a widow or a single mother because your selfish @$$ is depressed and you want to lash out!. What the fvck are you doing wasting time on Yahoo when you need to be in an ER talking to a Mobile Crisis counselor!? If you are so concerned about others, then go to the nearest ER and sign in!. You will be taken to an exam room to talk to a trained counselor where he or she will determine what kind of help you need!. I know this because I am an ER nurse!. Get help!. Don't make someone's loved one into a victim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What stands out (besides the ominous tone to this question) is that you said that you are "on a bunch of drugs and they are messing up my type of thinking!." Don't follow through on any of your ideas without sharing them with someone that you trust and that is in your circle of treatment professionals (who are NOT on drugs, prescribed or otherwise)!. This can save you a LIFETIME (prison is NOT a pleasant place) of grief and regret!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a mindset that justifies what are voluntary actions!. We have the choice to harm another, or not to!. We have the choice to put ourselves in a position of being arrested for such an act or finding another way to deal with a situation, or just to walk away!.

It's a conclusion based on faulty beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no not me, nobody is

yup, i never trust those drugs anyway!.!.!.!.and they say weed's illegal, that shiit they seel in the stores is worse!.!.!.it can cause lifelong suffering and DEATH!!.
(i'm not sayin that weed should be legal)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know it is not the answer or you would not be asking the question!. That is a major plus - peace and love to you, please take care of yourself and fight back these pervasive thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please tell your doctor today!. No really, right now!. I truly hope you get your medications adjusted properly!. Best of luck to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whoa!!! That's seriously messed up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you know it's wrong then why aren't you seeking help!? You say you don't want to but you're not doing anything about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are creepy!. I hope it's not someone I know when you end up committing murder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, well If I were John Locke maybe!.!. But seriously, why would you be meant to do something like that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are having these kind of thoughts then you need help!. Talk to a Dr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com