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Position:Home>Philosophy> Don't you think that unsucessful people always make excuses..?

Question: Don't you think that unsucessful people always make excuses!.!.!?
This is my observation!.!.!.!.Every time when i meet someone who lost a game or who did not make up a good competition!.!.!.they were ready with excuses!.!.!.!.i remember before sometime!.!.!.i too made excuses!.!.!.!.but when i really stopped making excuses and did hardwork!.!.!.i won!!.!.!.!.

Whats Your Opinion!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Excellent Q and excellent observation !

very true!.!.

Due to high ego levels we never wish to admit our mistakes!.!. hence we give excuses, not realising that giving an excuse is the first step towards failure and its like making a trap for our ownself!. We do not fool anyone else but our ownselves by giving excuses for our mistakes!.The result is, that we keep making that same mistake over and over again!.!.!. keep finding new excuses each time!.!. keep bearing the consequences of making that mistake!.!. until we realise that we have gone nowhere doing all this!.!.!. we did not move on!.!. but kept digging a hole for ourself standing at the same place!.!.!.

Every person makes mistakes and has some or the other bad habit!.!. or weakness!.!.!. its alright to do a mistake once, learn frm it and then never do it again!.!. actually this is very good!.!. mistakes if not repeated r like gr8 teachers and mirrors showing us our flaws!.!.!.
However, repeating a mistake and not making any effort to improve it, is what causes a person's downfall!.

The truth i that once u realise that " yes i made a mistake" or "yes i was weak at tis thing"!.!. without giving any excuses, then u r able to annalyse urself clearly an correct urself!.!.!. thi is wat leads u to victory!.!.

Accepting ur flaw is the first step to success, while making an excuse is the first step to failure!.!.

Agian GR!.!. its an excellent Q!.!. i think i shud call u GGR for this Q !Www@QuestionHome@Com

This one would opine that ou are still trapped in the illusion of winning and loosing rather then "being"!.

Winning or loosing are subjective terms of little or no merit and those whom you have personally experienced making "excuses" for a performance which they might have chosen to be other than it was are also trapped in the same "game"!.

Perhaps it would be wiser for all to seek to see that which was beneficial to themselves and to others rather than the supposed ideals of winning or loosing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your actually describing a bad loser when you refer to games!. When you are talking about work related, then you are describing people with little self belief in themselves!. I used to be one of them!. The successful people in this world are those with discipline and those who work hard and are determined to succeed!. To win at anything you need to practice and enjoy what you are doing and be as much as a good loser as a bad one!. But in games, when you make excuses for losing, you are usually too insecure to believe you can win, therefore you lose!. I hope this is helpful!. Best of luck, SimonWww@QuestionHome@Com

How is it making an excuses if you are not "excused" from the consequences!?
If I lose a game and attribute it to some arbitrary reason I have not been excused from my status as loser by anyone other than myself, is this the point you want to make!?
Even if I should do this does it not stand to reason that it would be because I feel that I am able to defeat the person in competition!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has been my observation that hard work has its limitations as regards access to success!. If one equates "winning" with success then people are basically losers as no one can win consistently!. And as such, lose much more frequently than they win!. Success is a state of mind!. One persons definition may include the acquisition of money, or possessions, while another's may be simply the ability to survive for another day!. In providing misplaced concreteness to the equation, most of society's "successful" individuals, as defined by access to fortune and fame and other socially defined frameworks, inherited a substantial portion of their wealth, or hailed from families of the nobility in the first place!. That is why both political parties bicker over the capital gains tax during an election year!. Nothing has changed for the past 10,000 years!. Except for the advent of indoor plumbing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why should they when they already have the pecking order excuse and the survival of the fittest excuse and the social hierarchy excuse!? they don't need an excuse!.They are already unsuccessful!. Maybe you should reword that to "why are LOSERS always making excuses!? yeah, you're right!. then they would use my 3 excuses without a second's thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!. Like a defense mechanism or something!. we try to protect our ego!. our image of ourself!. sometimes it works most of the time it doesnt!. i still unconsciously make excuses though!. i think the trully succesful people, when they have lost a game just shut up, analyze the game and play another one rather than wasting time making up excuses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course this is why they are unsucessful!. I don't know about games, I'm talking about life!. If your making excuses it means that u didn't give it your all!. If you really want something your going to make it happen!. Exucuse's r just a defense mechinism, a unevolved on at that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do u think that successful people always make the blaming on someone else and always make the finding of scapegoat of someone too!?

Dog's poo! lol!.

Losers always dun play games in life! only successful people always create games for the pple to play!. u know nothing so :X what a lol stock in front of everyone!. talk much know little! One of the famous games which successful pple loves to design and play! It is called Politic Games! & Losers cannot afford it!.

Funny, why can't I play Minister of Home Affairs Dog's Game in Singapore!? I Low Siang Chen Said these!

Otherwise Chinese won't say these to me : The Poors nevers competite with the Richs & Citizens nevers against the Governments! hahaha

Your Poo sucks, by the way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they always make excuses!.

Honda's factory was leveled twice, and he didn't have the raw materials he needed to manufature(in fact he had to engineer concrete to make his factory coz japan wouldn't give it to him), in the end he had to sell is company!. But he still kept going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Uncertainty plays a part in the rules of any game!. And of course there is honor!. There is an instinctive knowledge at work and even a deeper desire to be somewhere other than in the present game!. We do not own the pawn player entirely!. To win or not to win!. Some important questions are never given the time they require!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea there are basically two types of people; owners and blamers!.

We either own our lives and the events and circumstances or we blame everything on everything and anything or anyone!. Blamers just don't seem to realize that we are the products of our choices and perceptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just because a person made an excuse doesnt mean he didnt try his best, he just has a superiority complex, but that wouldnt stop him from succeeding!.

although there are different types of people on how they use excuses, but always not necessarily how you think they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Either you accept the fact that you are a loser or make an excuse!.

Nobody want to admit the fact that they are a loser!.

So making an excuse is inevitable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that some people make excuses because they have no belief in themselves & very little self esteem!. They probably don't BELIEVE that they can be successful, so they make excuses for not trying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe when people are unsuccessful, there is a reason for it and therefore, that is their excuse!.

Don't you think so!?

All the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some truth in what you say!. People are taught to be victims in some cultures, when they would be better off just getting on with life as it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it's always true!. Some people will admit they aren't succesfull!. But I think it's a defense mechanism for many people to blame someone else for failure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe they arent as fortunate as yourself!. we should always try and help those less fortunate than ourselves!. this is one of the biggest problems in todays society, are you a winner or just egotisticWww@QuestionHome@Com

Unsuccessful people claim themselves to be spiritual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess many people are, yeah!. But some do just accept it and move on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are right!.
keep it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do or die!. why to take excuseWww@QuestionHome@Com

excuse me !.!.i am lazyWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes or probably there just dumbWww@QuestionHome@Com