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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it that so many people confuse "reality" as in everything that

Question: Why is it that so many people confuse "reality" as in everything that exists within reality and the realm of
the imaginable with the affairs of humans!? Somehow, people abandon everything if they focus on something unusual!. If that were true though, wouldn't people who are accused of "escaping reality" simply cease to exist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You really must define your terms, or use a different word for each context!.

"Reality" is the existence of existence!. Therefore, everything that exists is part of reality!.

I don't understand the problem you perceive about the affairs of humans!. What does it have to do with "the realm of the imaginable"!?

If one is focused on "something unusual," it is impossible for them to abandon "everything!." They have not abandoned their focus on the unusual!. So again, I must say I don't understand, because you do not define your terms!.

"Escaping reality" is a metaphor for the act of running away from truth, of denying truth, of escaping into an unstable state of mind in order not to deal with reality!. I'm sure you knew that it was only a metaphor!. No one can just "simply cease to exist!."

Please define your terms better next time!. You have an agile mind that defines your terms better than most in this forum, but not well enough to be understood, or to be not mis-understood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say people should do whatever makes them happy as long as they do not hurt other people!. If they want to think a certain way and it applies to the rule just stated I say fine!.

If you really wanted to get into it though reality would be different for each and every person!. Example if you had a person chained up in a cave his whole life and made shadows in front of him with a flashlight, then his only reality is the cave and the shadows you provide him for entertainment!. This is a bit extreme I suppose, but as I said different people have different experiences and see things in different ways!. I'm not sure everyone's reality would ever be one in the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com