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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have we trivialized GOD?

Question: Have we trivialized GOD!?
If you DON'Tbelieve in GOD please save your mockery and degrading for the R&S, please! just move on!. !. !. !.

I've noticed that in todays enviorment (society) we almost treat God as if he's!. !. !. an idiot!. I'll slip this one by him, he won't notice!. God is a casual figure who comes into your life when convenient!. There's almost no SINCEREITY now in people beliefs anymore is what I'm getting at!. If you believe in God (And I don't know what God is or how all of that works!. There's a lot of questions there) I'm guessing you believe there's reason and signifigance behind why we as people live and breath!. Why we are given this life!. Things we do and don't do!. But that reason and signifigance we've really trivialized and made incoherent!. Anything goes!. !. !.

Get what I'm saying!? do you think that we have trivialized the concept of the creator and the life we've been given!?

Hope this makes sense!. !. !.

Excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes!. !. !. !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Societies always acted as being only source of Life for its inhabitants, in another words they mimic a characteristics of God, indirectly replaced a Creator from his throne!.It divided people in their faith!. Faith divided creates enormous number of beliefs!. And the Kingdom which is divided from within cannot survive!.!.!.That is why societies which is filled with divisions is not immortal!.Despite of beliefs which societies dictate , glorifying its own eternal being one way or another!.God is infinitely more modest speaking of His Divine Essence!. There is a joke over Nietzsche statement: God is dead!. Nietzsche!.
Nietzsche is dead!. God

Old saying ;one cannot serve two masters!.!.!.There is no god but God!.!.!.!.all related!. As societies came to existence there always was a conflict between religion and societies!.!.!.Currently lovely separation between church and states creates just unification of both under umbrella of money and business or represents socialized fun with donuts and pizza where God goes behind preachers, priests, government authorities!.!.!.!.!.nailed to flocks of his followers!.!. if He goes at all!.!.!.Funny!.!.!. There is one simple truth which people cannot comprehend yet!.!.!. religion is not God as well ,it is "about " God!. i religions are simply another forms of societies holding a crowd of similar beliefs,!. As a civilian societies, religious ones demand worship in terms of loyalty to their gathering!.!.God is God Being beyond of humans affairs , evidently!. !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes because there have been a number of books trying to disprove his existence through experimentation!. It cannot be done this way, instead the apriori must be used or disproved since this is the way the scholastics proved god!. Hume and the logical positivists almost did a good job until the synthetic-analytic dichotemy was brutally destroyed in (the 1920s!?)!. What passes as philosophical debunking of god is really nothing of the sort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, we have!. It's not by accident, but deliberate that our controllers want and bring about through mass media!. They don't want individualized beings who know themselves, who are intelligent and free, qualities that characterisitc of God loving souls who take Him seriously!. What they want is dumb-down servants to them, work animals who don't think, feel or have a soul!. You work for them for slave wages, buy the stuff you make that takes the money you make from you and watch TV to see what's the next thing to think , feel and buy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say so!. So many people pay lip-service to theism, but may as well be atheists, for all the effect it has on their behavior!. I think part of the problem may stem from the over-emphasis on belief by the church!. Too many people think as long as they believe, they can do as they will!.

Deed before creed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we have trivialized our existence more so than God!. We are creatures created from materials that came out of a supernova explosion !.!.!.what are the chances of us existing!.!.!.so what do we do with that existence!? We complain and hurt each other!.!.!.unbelievable!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of haven't, but as a society, I think you are right!. I really feel that part of the reason this has happened is because of the mega-churches who dole out "feel-good religion"!. You go to their church service and there might be an orchestra or a professional drama that takes place!. It's pure entertainment and the name of God isn't mentioned until about the last half hour!. Some of these churches are so loose and liberal that the members have gotten the message that instead of trying to get their life to conform to their beliefs, they can make their beliefs fit in with whatever lifestyle choices they make!. When this is a widely accepted practice, how can society take religion as seriously as we did long ago when the beliefs and the way we were to live were much more defined!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am an atheist but I have actual commentary on the subject!.

Yes, I feel that the concept of a creator has been far over trivialized in society!. Where once belief used to mean something, gave people purpose, a reason to get up in the morning, God has now become sort of a fall back during hard times!. Opposed to a focus during life!. Instead of focusing on the philosophical reasons for a creator (meaning of life, destiny vs!. choice, the significance of death) people nowadays focus more on the idea of a deeply personal God who is over concerned with each individual's most trivial struggles instead of hoping for a God more concerned with humanity as a whole!. It's lead to a lot of philosophical and cultural stagnation and is moving society in a regrettable direction!. I sincerely wish the world were full of more religious people who thought like you and looked for the deeper meanings in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com