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Position:Home>Philosophy> The pattern of history repeating itself?

Question: The pattern of history repeating itself!?
Does it seem like even though with all the technology advancements we have & the higher studies of the human behavior, that history always repeats itself!? Like its an endless cycle!. Why do you think this happens!?

Serious answers only, please out of respect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because we're all human and are subject to honest (sometimes not so honest) human mistakes!. We make these mistakes due to misinformation, pressure from someone or more, our emotions, ect!. We may be better informed but that doesn't mean we sometime have a lapse in judgement!. Then of course there is ignorance and pride!. As well, religion gets in the way too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a race of imperfect humans ,it would seem that history does tend to repeat itself!.
While technology has improved the lives of many, I sometimes wonder why the world continues in such a downward spiral!.
On one hand we create many needless gadgets that we soon find we are unable to live without while at the same time we are not able to meet the basic needs of many!.
while we continue to be born with inherited imperfection it is impossible to change this cycle of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you notice your own cycles of repetitions!? hope you are a human!.!.!. You are not alone in this world!.!.!.have you heard that it is we are humans creating a history not a vise versa!.!.!.Creation is always represents image and likeness of creators!.!.!.and creators endlessly repeat itself locally and , right,!.!.!. globally so we ve been blessed to see our own imbalancess reflected in our documented deeds!. Technology advancements !.!.!.well it is also our creations based on familiar cycles but there cycles is called circuits, signifying a circular movement!.!.!.So as we roaming in a circles, as our creations does!.!.!.well it is not advancement at all, seeing from that particular perspective!.!.!.So where is a rotten seed is located!?Www@QuestionHome@Com