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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does "evil" exist?

Question: Does "evil" exist!?
If you believe that evil does exist, then please tell me how to measure it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no good and evil, its only a mere artificial conception in order to build the groundwork of society:laws and orders!.

People all have different aspect, perspective, feelings & taste, and of course: ways of dealing!. When you ask a certain question which does not necessarily have one answer, the answer will vary between people!. Its simple as that, some people may find some solution on certain question 'evil'; however in his perspective only more logical!.

'Right-and-wrong' concept, moral builds up depending on the culture & parental teachings!. So it all differs!.

Most people will say abusing/murder is evil, but, in some circumstances, and in some countries, its tradition of sacrifice!. And it is remote to the conception of 'evil' in their perspective!.

In our world we have 'law and punishment'!. But in my personal view its nothing more than a soft way to put 'vengeance'!.

There is no evil in this world, there is unique perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the concept of good and evil is very evident all throughout history!. Dating back to the times of the Bible, when evil was born into existence in the Garden of Eden!.
Evil is not something you can really measure!. But know that sin and evil go hand in hand sin is evil and evil is sin!. A sin is something bad done intentionally, with that person's knowledge of it's immorality!.
Evil is a comparative thing--- for instance, a friend may try to steal a guy you like, or something like that, which might, in your mind, be classified as 'evil'!. On a personal level, this kind of treachery is very evil!. On a global, universal, level however, one might measure it in terms of things such as world wars, terrorists, people like Adolf Hitler!.!.!.
It's rather objective!. Really, something that you have to know and decide for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When people ask about a word or concept like "evil" I always visit the dictionary because I know the word is used in many ways and it has different meanings depending on the context! Many use the word to refer to immoral acts esp when the acts hurt others!. The act of killing another person for racial reasons or sexist or political ideology or religious beliefs is evil in my book!. War is often full of evil acts by all participants no matter the reasons why the war occurred!. Evil also exists if you see evil happening and you do nothing! For example the Burmese Generals who refused no-strings attached US aid for the cyclone victims of the Irrawaddy Delta are n example of an evil act and an evil mentality!. Utilitarians measure it numerically by the number of persons affected by the at!. Consequentialists try to measure evil by the severity and extent of the harm done by evil acts!. As you can imagine the measurements always fall short of the goal because suffering defies scientific quantification!. Given that any amount of evil is unacceptable to a moral/ethical person whose rules of conduct are based on doing good and avoiding evil, I do not think measuring it matters as much as doing your best to eradicate evil through acts of love and the acquisition of knowledge and understanding of self and others in order to be effective and generous loving others!

Good philosophy Q!. I hope my A puts it in a perspective that helps you!. Be sure to heck the dictionary and thesaurus!Www@QuestionHome@Com

What can be considered evil, or morally wrong, can be determined by a rational assessment of the nature of the entity to be judged!.

The moral code against which actions are to be judged cannot be defined, without answering first what a moral code is, and why it is needed in the first place!. Moral codes are a feature of living entities, that is used to guide their actions, in order to gain value and prevent its loss!. Only living entities have values, or things they act to gain or keep!.

Things are only valuable with respect an entity, who faces alternatives!. There's one fundamental alternative in the universe: existence or non-existence!. This alternative is only relevant to "living" organisms!. The primary value of living entities is, therefore, life!. This is the first objective moral value applicable to living entities, whose actions are motivated by the acquisition and preservation of their own life!. Other values are derived from the primary value of life, and will refer to its preservation!. Since different organisms (plants, animals, humans) sustain their lives differently, they have different objective values!.

Concerning only humanity, from life also stem the values of freedom and autonomy, productivity and property, pride and integrity, etc!. The possession of these values allows for the preservation of life (the ultimate value), and they form the basis or our rational moral code, from where we get the ideas that violating or hindering such values is "evil" or immoral!. By hindering life, we commit murder, and it's morally wrong or "evil"!. By violating freedom we promote slavery; in violating property, thieve or vandalize; in violating pride and integrity; we engage in dishonesty!.

All our rational moral inclinations are based on an assessment of the values inherent in our nature!. This is the way you measure what is evil!. Beware of arbitrary moral codes, brought about through mysticism, custom or authority, which are nothing but the remnants of our early attempts at explaining the origin of our values, or what is worse, a deliberate attempt at manipulation by people hungry for control, and power over others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a good question!.

There is no way to measure evil unless you have something to put it up against!. For example the christians say that anything that goes against the Bible is evil!. And the Muslims say that anything that isn't in line with the Koran is evil!. If you want to know what evil is!.!.!.look inside yourself and find your morals and your standards!. Anything that doesn't measure up to you is evil TO YOU!. Just because something is evil to you doesn't make it evil to anyone else!. So keep yourself out of your evil and you'll be alright!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil can't be measured!.
Evil is existant in each of us, but the question is whether or not we let ourselves be evil!.
We all think evil thoughts- however hard we may try not to!.
Evil is people like Adolf Hitler!.
Evil can be categorized as anything bad in the world!.
Some people even think the entire world is evil!.
Evil is really more of a matter of opinion than reality!.
Evil can be seen in people who think of themselves as good!. I'm talking about terrorism!. Terrorists think that they are fighting for a cause, and for that, they may see themselves as good!. But with the things they do for that cause (i!.e!. 9/11) make most people see them as evil!.

I don't believe in the devil, but what may be loosely called evil is in each and every one of us!.
Everywhere you care to look, you can see evil if you try hard enough!.
Evil is immesurable!. It is everywhere!. It isn't dominant if you don't let it be!.
Can feelings of spite, or guilt, or anger be considered evil!? That's anyone's opinion!. Does evil exist at all!? Why don't you decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the mind of the person who thinks it exists!.
Everybody is free to think whatever they want/like!.
"Evil" could usually mean something related with getting things worse than before, but for some others it is not like that!.
It also depends of the culture and beliefs of each person!.
also, I once heard that "evil" and "chaos" could be related, or even this: that the third law of thermodynamics is related with "evil"!!
Well, it all depends on the eye of the witness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We could not know "good" if evil did not exist with which to contrast it!. If one believes in Satan, then one would know that "It" works through people to do "It's" bidding!. Satan is very clever!. "It's" prime target is the vulnerable!. "It" finds great pleasure in tearing families apart!. My adult daughter is a demon!. Perhaps I can hook you up with her!. I have no doubt that she can answer any question you may have about evil!.
There are varying degrees of evil!. I do not believe it is difficult to gauge!. It can be seen, felt, touched, and heard!.
It can be measured by the impact it has on the lives it poisons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes evil does exist!. I was sick with cancer and a person came up to my mother and told her this
"My son had cancer and he died a week after he got out of the hospital!." This is no joke!. Evil is out there!. As measuring it I don't think you really can!. Evil is evil and that's the way it's gonna stay forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people would claim that good and evil is all perspective and opinion!.

I don't think I believe that, but it's hard for me to believe things can be so black and white as good and evil!.

I don't think this is something there can be a definite answer for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you can measure evil,I think it would have to be done by measuring the degree of harm it does to a person or persons!.The greater the harm,the greater the evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil is a choice people make!. It lives in their heart and it determines what they should do!. To measure evil, look at how their actions effect others!. People have a free choice to do as they please!. Evil does exist but love and hope exist as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil indeed exists- yet I am unsure as to how you would measure such a thing!.

Evil can be a small thing such as name calling a timid school mate or of major historic proportion as to what Hitler did to the Jews!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It exists in the sense that darkness exists!. It is the absence of good!. Sane people never call themselves evil, though!. Evil people are basically just being selfish and self-centered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Show me evil!.

Show me fairness, show me love and show me justice!. The same problem occurs in the language where objects and concepts are routinely confused!.

Show me your dreams!? I'm sure that you would swear that dreams exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. In the words of Anne Frank : "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart!. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say it only exist if you believe in a higher power (such as a god depends on your religion)!.!.!. So then if your higher power is 100% then the lower power (evil) would have an equal valueWww@QuestionHome@Com

The evil is when someone does something evil, when someone hurts somebody else, but the evil has many faces also!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't measure evil scientifically!.

You can sense it's intensity more than measure it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever heard of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Bin Laden!? now these guys were evil!. It can usually be measured on how the person act with others!. Really nasty and don't even care about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the greatest discovery in art and philosophy is that there is no evil!

only human weakness!.!.!. without which there wouldn't be no strength!

just like there can't be light if there was no darkness!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe in something called evil!.!.!. something some people do is just viewed as evil (I am not in any way defending them)!. Evil is just a word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think everyone basis for evil is self measured!. I think it is up to you to decide how evil or if someone is evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evil is anything that goes against God!. There is no real way to measure it!. Evil is evil!. End of story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evilness only excist in the mind!. There is no evil force in the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel it exists, but it is not up to me to measure it, that job only belongs to God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on the misery scale!. How much did this action increase the misery level of the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah the devil is evilWww@QuestionHome@Com

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS evel exists everywhere u mesure it by ur heart and mind cuz u know wats evil and good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my dad is trying to take me and my mums money out of our banks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in a human heart yea, i guess!. there is always a spark of evil in everthingWww@QuestionHome@Com