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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do certain odors ever induce a state of meloncholy within yourself?

Question: Do certain odors ever induce a state of meloncholy within yourself!?
For instance, I used to wear a type of male cologne, Blue, that came in a blue bottle!. Everytime I wore this cologne, my mood changed!. Then I cologne ran out, and I discarded the empty bottle!. Yet, I recently bought a deodorant, and it smells just like that cologne, and it makes me feel the very same way!. I can't fully describe such a feeling when I smell this particular smell, except to say that it carries within me a bittersweet feeling of reality mixed with the realization that I can never return to my years of youth and innocence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ahhhhhh,I know the feeling!.Yes There are certain odors that take me back to my youth!.And ya know you are 100% right,that the feeling is bittersweet!.For me it's mostly the people,the places,and a time that was much simpler and kinder!.When you didn't have to lock your doors,you knew everyone in your neighborhood(sigh) but I digress too much!.But to answer your question ,YES!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reason that we can never return to our years of youth and innocence is that as adults with experience and suffering from which we have been able to gain emotional maturity, we are much better able to contribute to the well being of other people, and also leave the world a better place than we found it!.

Nostalgia has its comforts, as do favorite music and familiar images!. You describe a wonderfully human capacity to associate immediate sensory experiences with memories of the past!. Our power to act exists only in the present!. Be there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stuck as I am in an urban environment to on occasion rare catch a whiff of the woods on a cool fall morning sure reminds me of a childhood that was, all things being equal, better than what adulthood has brought, at least so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, many odor brings back its own memory!.
but one that bring me a feeling of melancholy, is the perfume my ex-bf used to wear!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes the smell of nacho cheeseWww@QuestionHome@Com



the smell of coffeeWww@QuestionHome@Com