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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is curiosity similar to an addiction for you?

Question: Is curiosity similar to an addiction for you!?
Earlier I posted a question saying "Beware don't read" and then asked why people read it anyways!. The general answer seems to be that curiosty just got the better of you all!. I wonder if you feel that curiosty in our human nature is to strong to resist!? Much like an addict around his/her vice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They always tell me that curiosity killed the cat and I reply, yes, but it never killed a human, did it!? I think curiosity is normal and only idiots try to control themselves and stay away from the things which interests them!. Moreover, I think every single human achievement so far has been founded on a tension which curiosity creates into mind, even ancient people wondered about how the universe was created and how it functions!. If it wasn't for curiosity, we would have been still eating bananas in the trees right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me, yes and no!. Because curiosity can makes us know our surrounding better!. For example you was curious about chili, you try it and it was very hot, and then you never put it in your mouth!. But the one that curious about something that is clearly dangerous is stupid!. Like drug addict!. Most of them are curious about pot, meth, heroin, and ended up destroying their people liveWww@QuestionHome@Com

The road less traveled has always had more allure for me than the freeway!. I once took a narrow road under a railroad bridge into a narrow valley of central Styria!. It was a steep and winding road and, near the top, there was a village named after a saint with the same rare German first name as I had!. That was never known to me!. My father had picked my name before I was born and I found out that a man fitting his description used to come there to maintain the secret phone switching station and to bed some of the women of the still angry men!.Www@QuestionHome@Com