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Position:Home>Philosophy> What things will computers be used for in the future.?

Question: What things will computers be used for in the future!.!?
What things will computers be used for in the future and why !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Language translation is still something not at an acceptable level yet!. Voice input in place of keyboards can be significantly improved!. Putting TV on computers is available but most people still don't have it so they can monitor a show while doing work!.

Integration of the brain and computer will improve!. We have yet to be able to use a computer's database capability for use by the brain!. That would be great and would literally double a good deal of people's IQs!. Would revolutionize education as using information would be as easy as accessing a database!. Wouldn't have to memorize things as the memories would be stored in the computers disk or flash memory!.

Computers would conduct surgery!. Do research!. Run your household!. Probably even walk your dog!. Fortunately cats would be beyond their capabilities for at least another thousand years!.

Music would be composed by computers and played!.

Everything that humans do will eventually be done by computers!. But by then humans will have evolved and not be humans any more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I heard that came out of movies like The Terminator, is that computers will make other computers and we won't know how they work!. Right now if you ask anyone at Microsoft or Apple how a computer works, they couldn't tell you!. So as computers get more away from humans in computer's own technology and still lack common sense, a thing that is the sublte factor engineers have trouble with in creating robots, they'll become more menacing and possibly take over our lives in ways you wished they hadn't!. Just look at the nano chips and Morgellons disease nano fibers coming out of chemstrails, they're very ominous for the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the future the term machine and the term human will have more ambigous meanings!.
Computers will be used the way the are used now to make our lives more comfortable and less difficult where ever we can use them to improve something then we will do so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bookends, Doorjambs, Garden Stools, current technology will be replaced by organic synaptic interfaces!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They will be used to replace teachers and the military!. We are all gonna die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com