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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that we live to learn a lesson for the soul, and we are born again

Question: Do you think that we live to learn a lesson for the soul, and we are born again until we learn it!?
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i believe so!. there's a reason why we're all here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I dont think we are born again ever wether we have learned a lesson or not!. I think the concept of being born again and the like are made to make people feel more at peace with themselves and their lives!. There is no way of knowing that these things are true or not and so to believe in the fantasy gives people hope when perhaps things are feeling bleak or when the concept of death and finality and end is too much to grasp and so being born again is an idea which soothes those fears and gives a sense of peace and relief to people!.

I beleive when you are dead you are dead!. No more or less dead and gone then the leaf which grows on a tree, lives and then dies and falls to the ground and decomposes into the ground - gone!. It might be too much for people to beleive that is all because they hope that their life is worth more then that!. But the life cycle of a leaf as an example is just the same as a human, only speeded up!. Humans are just part of the nature of the planet earth!. The systems for all living things on planet earth is birth,live,die!. Humans just want it to be and mean more, but I believe it does not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe almost exactly the same idea!. We are here to learn how to be the best people that we can be, to be enlightened, and that we are born several times before we ever come to the point of perfection!. The Hindu and Buddhist concept is the closest thing that I can associate to truth!.
Although it is only my heart that guides me, to follow any other source would be like selling my soul, and so I believe!. No matter how much I lack any evidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you learn the lessons, you get more options in the games!.Www@QuestionHome@Com