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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in science or religion?

Question: Do you believe in science or religion!?
And please don't say both because god dammit adam and eve were not monkeys!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I think the definition of science is universal!.

Religion is very limited - you can only be a christian or a muslim or a hindu or whatever ---

But you can be physicist, chemist, zoologist, astronomer, mathematician and all your knowledges must coincide - that is the power of science!


there is no belief in science tracy!.!.!. science relies only on evidence and doesn't make any assumptions based on speculations like religion does!.

but, you might find this strange!.!.!. science has its roots in religions too! In ancient traditions and cultures science was an integral part of religion and spirituality!.!.!.

ancient people though religious did master sciences like medicine, astronomy, mathematics, agriculture etc!.

with more technological progress and rational discoveries perhaps the civilization began to drift away from religion!.!.!.

the interesting point is, why then millions of people even today in spite of scientific progress rely on religion!? It's an important question which shouldn't be ignored!

has science been ineffective in addressing the needs and requirements of the human psyche!? why is it that people are not convinced with science alone!?

can science address each and every question the human mind faces of its own existence and of universe!.!.!. of life itself!?

science can't answer everything!.!. because it relies on evidence!.

human mind is very complicated and perceptions are very diverse!.!.!. each of the humans needing their own means of finding solace!.

science might not agree with religion!.!.!. but the importance of religion is not for the atheists to contemplate, as its a personal choice of the millions which in their own ways helps them!.

Many of the discoveries made by science were mastered by ancient traditions which were extremely religious and ritualistic!

In the essence of human civilization and history, the contradictions and frictions are indeed necessary for radical progress!Www@QuestionHome@Com

you cant believe in science
The word science is derived from the greek word "scienti"
which means "know"

so you can know science but you can't believe it unlike religion, science does not rely on faith!. It is based purely on facts, Religion however, is based on mere faith!.

I know science
but I believe in a religionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Your statement is a complete misunderstanding of what the scientific theory of evolution states!.

Science is not a belief system!. It is a process or a method of studying information!.

You are completely free to delude yourself with notions of gods!. Young minds are easy to manipulate and brainwash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a difference between knowing, believing, and thinking!.!.!.

I know and think Scienticically!.!.!.!.
I believe Religiously!.!.!.

I know science!.!.!. I believe Religion!.!.!.

It is very hard to do both but, you must be able to train your mind to know and believe between Science and Religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your view is so limited as to make it completely meaningless to answer your question!.

'Religion" entails about 2,500 gods and hundreds of religions, not "adam and eve"!.

Even within the judeo-xian tradition, "religion" doesn't mean "fundamentalism"!. Wow!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although I think it is possible to believe both ( You may find it interesting that "Adam" and "Eve" can be translated to mean "woman" and "man" so you could resolve that they represent all men and women) I personally side with science and am an Atheist though!. You really have to decide for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adam and Eve were not monkeys--true! I believe in science but it was my investigations into religion where I discovered why I believe in science (and religion)!. Check this out if you are motivated (blogs entitled--A new way to understand the observer/observed relationship; follow my yahoo profile) :

We struggle to become educated and, in the process, obtain reasonable beliefs that endure!. However, faced with blatant evidence to the contrary our beliefs may change!. In the absence of contradictions, though, emotionally satisfying beliefs are what we choose to believe!. If you’re like me, you do not like to waste time thinking about unsubstantiated ideas that turn out to be emotionally unfulfilling!. So, here’s a summary of the religious implications that follow from my upcoming blogs,--worldview and approved life style are included here (you decide if they are emotionally satisfying): 1) Religion and science are brought into harmony; that is, they may be equally reverenced without conflict!. 2) Because human self-awareness, life, and the physical-chemical processes that support life, are all embedded in divine extensive connection, humans are born with the potential to right the wrongs caused by “ignorance based injustices!.” 3) The values used to judge right from wrong follow from the extensive connection process; that is, values used to judge right from wrong are life affirming and freedom affirming values!. In other words, in terms of a minimum quality of life, within the prevailing economic realities, no person should be denied the basic necessities of life; and further, sufficient freedoms (within the limits of reasonable expectation) should be in place to allow for meaningful self-expression (the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are a good place to start)!. As long as these two conditions are satisfied market competition, within prevailing economic realities, should be permitted!. Anything less than this—the minimum standard of living for all human beings, -- is an “ignorance based injustice!.” 4) And finally, in regards to a religious afterlife: death is not the end, but things like virgins, talks with Jesus, and eternal bliss, are spurious and misplaced expectations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both (SRY)!.

I believe that evolution DOES exist, that is how God created us!. The Big Bang, that's how God created the world!. Every thing took a while for us!.!.!. But how long is a day to God!? No one knows, so I believe that science explains how everything happened in a way that us humans can interpret it!.

P!.S!. Im a Methodist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For someone who appears to be approaching this from a pro-religion viewpoint, you have the audacity to take G*d's name in vain!. Does the word hypocrite hold any meaning for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be belittling of the scientific method to put it so simply as 'believing in science' but certainly I think science is a better method of finding truth than making supernatural assumptions and refusing to question them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


And I don't have to believe in a literal Adam and Eve, to believe in religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitly religion becuz wat sience is proveing today religion did along time ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tracy, science and religion is not mutually exclusive!.

They can coexist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Religion (L!.D!.S!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science- because it isn't believing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


If I have to choose only one , I believe in science rather than in religion !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about both!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!.!.I belive in you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com