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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm 14 and I don't take life for granted?

Question: I'm 14 and I don't take life for granted!?
Sometimes I think about why things happen!. I really go into a deep perspective sometimes!. I look at other kids my age and some kids who are even older, but they all seem to take life for granted!. It's all really weird for me!. Don't they ever stop to think what has become of them!? I really haven't met anyone like me yet, but I'd like too!. Anyways, is this normal for a 14 year old!? I've read it usually happens when you get older and stop and start realizing things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have a young nephew who is like you!. We often say that he is a wise old man in a young man's body!. And to answer your question, "is this a normal thing for a 14 year old!?" - the answer is that it is more normal than you may be aware of at this point in your life!. A lot of young people your age are introspective, but they tend to keep this side of their personality private !. also, some young people just mature faster emotionally and mentally then others in their age group, particularly if they are very intelligent!. A lot of other factors impact a young person's emotional and mental development; we are all born with our own special nature for one thing and our home and social environment is important and can greatly affect us, just to name a few!.

It is my opinion from your post that you are an intellectual and that is why you do not take life for granted; you are using your mind, asking questions, and learning about life!. In that respect, although you may be ahead of others in your social circle now; don't worry, as you grow older you will meet other intellectuals such as yourself - especially if you plan to further your education and attend univesity or college!. Exciting times are ahead for those with "inquiring" minds!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes when I am in deep thought I think about the exact same things!. I wonder why Paris Hilton and all these other celebrities and not just them either but people who have to have designer purses!. Name brand everything!. Spend, spend, spend!. Why spend $3000 on a purse with someones initials on them when you could get a cheap purse at say wall wart for less then $10!. Sometimes things like this bother me, but it's just a small example!. Or when people do things like this but they don't think about all the people who are suffering from terminal illnesses and are going to die!. How much they wish just to live another day!? Yes, I do think people take like for granted, A lot!.

I agree with your opinions completely!. and I am also 14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, I'm your age and i feel the same way!. Especially so many girls out there, who just do dumb things without thinking "is this really how i want to live my life!?" some people i guess just don't step back and see the big picture!. they've really lost sight of what really matters, even at this age, which is a shame becuase it's hard to get back on track!. A lot of them lost a sence of morals, and i bet doing the things they do gives them a quick thrill, but i wouldnt trade a quick thrill for feeling good about who i am, and people's respect for me!. there are so many things in life that are just so much better that they won't get to appreciate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am 14 years old and i am a girl!. i know exactly what u are talking about!. i am usually known to be introverted but i think the exact same way u do!. u just want to stop and think about what is going on in your life and how everyone is different!. i only know one person in real life like that besides me and it's kinda nice to know that that person will be there!. hopefully for the next 10 years of my life!. i have never taken life for granted and i don't think i ever will, considering what i have gone through in my early childhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have to realize one thing that not everyone have the same intelligence!. You might be "smarter" than them, or be more mature!. What should kids do beside just have fun!? They'll have a lots of times to be serious!. If you realize now, good, and you might want to have some fun also!. There will be work time, and there will be play time!. You can't just work all the time!. I'm thinking that this might be one of the thing that create a leader!. Leaders are form of hard working(perspiration)!.!.!.you know!. Leaders are different from followers, followers are the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im around your age and im the exact same
i think about why things happen and the outcome of
things that will happen and may happen
and i often see people who take a lot for granted

i would say if youd liek to, email me to chat mroe about it
but i dont think either of us have our emails open for use
on here!.!.!.not sure!.
but i think to just be greatful to see things from this way
as i think i get more out of some things in life
instead of just taking them for granted or taking
almost no notice!. so no your not alone and dont worry
about it, it can be could in one way or anotherWww@QuestionHome@Com

I guess it is something that can be potentially good or bad according of how you use it!. I think you'll have a wider perception of the world, but it is up to you to see how you will take what you learn!. You can definitively grow or the worse that can happen is to become depressed for what you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When u say taking life for granted do u mean it like teenagers wasting their time on pointless things!? Well, I'm teenager myself lol!. I don't like wasting my time on useless things!. For example I like to finish my homework at school n just relax at home n do something else!. Some kids like my age might say they get Fs bcuz the class is hard or teacher doesn't like them as an excuse but for me I don't care if teacher like me or not I'll work hard to get an A!. The world out there is not gonna be easy so if I give up at this age now what's my future gonna b lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not an average # of people of our age stop and think about these things, but some so!. And I think itis perfectly fine!. Some people never do and have always and probably will keep taking life for granted!.
I don't and supposedly neither do you, so YEA! us!.!.so we aren't part of the average of people our age- I never have been!. Above average or out of the "normal" criteria is absolutly FINE!!

P!.S!. If I wasn't taken I would ask if you are single!. But I am and you are hot for your logic!. Email me with more of this stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe you!. Assuming others take life for granted is a judgment about the nature and quality of someone else's life!. To make this judgment of most or all 14 year olds is a good indication of some logical errors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, i sometimes think like that, too!. It's not too normal for a 14 year old, but there are many others out there that think this way!. :) i'm glad that you think this way, tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

actually, these are one of the character traits i like a person to have!. u are sincere and wouldn't use anyone without thinking about what the aftermath is!.!.!. im exactly like that!. im rlly conscious of my actions!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know how you feel im 15 and i think about stuff like that!.!.!.!.more kids than you mite think consider questions like that!.!.!. it just depends on the person i geuss!. but remember your still a kid so you should have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No way! I am sometimes like that too!. And its totally normal, it means your mature and realizing things!. I dont think most people like to think what is to become of them, even if they could!.!.why spoil the fun!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you don't take life for granted, perhaps you can get a working scholarship or a Stafford loan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were smart you would realize that everyone takes life for granted!.
It can not be helped and you will take advantage of life for as long as you live!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I understand how you feel because I'm like that too!. I'm 15 now!. It sure isn't normal I think, but there are others like you!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

you might think you're realizing it now, but it won't hit you until later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah im like that! it's good cause you wont make decisions that will stuff up your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive been the same way since i can remember!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you single!?
just kidding
but i think a lot of girls, probably in a couple of years will love that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are mature for your age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


you sound a lot like myself, only i never talk about stuff like this because my friends dont comprend things on the same level that i can!. some people are just old for their age, people like you and me!. sometimes it is becaise children are given humongous responibliity too young, such as substituting for a parent, some are expsed to tragedy at a very young age which makes them questionj things, and some just have a very wide capacity to think!. i started thinking of things on deeper levels than everyone else when i was 12!. for u, its 14!. it's not necessarily "normal", since normal is being shallow or ignorant like everyone else, but nor is it a bad thing!. im 17now and i still think of things no one should have to think about at age 17!. its probably the same for you!. when you question life it can all seem so meaningless!. you have to ignore what other people are doing and find meaning for yourself!. surround yourself by older people, people who have a maturity level closer to yours!. that will make things easier!. but dontr think of this as a bad thing!. use it to your advantageWww@QuestionHome@Com