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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are great paying jobs for an introvert with a psychology degree?

Question: What are great paying jobs for an introvert with a psychology degree!?
I have a psychology degree but I am not sure if I want to pursue in that field!. Any suggestions of other alternatives!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
jury analysis psychologist!.
short hours, high pay!.
if you're very, very good, that is!.

HR interviewer!.
not nearly as rewarding!.

figure out what you do like, and go back to school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I have never responded to these before until now!.

When i saw your question i could sooo get relate to it!.

Until recently i was doing the corporate jungle thing and wondering what the heck!?

Knowing what i didnt want to do and having no idea of what i did want, i stumbled across an incredible business opportunity!.

I now work this from home where and when i please, no boss, no commuting or traffic issues and peace and quiet :)

My only piece of advice is that the fact you have asked the question of yourself already would indicate to me that you are not where you are meant to be right now - just keep seeking and you will find!.!.!.!.!.!.

I wish you well and hope you find your path and journey in the very near future!.

Take care and go well


computer hi - tech jobs make a lot of money!. unless you want to be a psychologist, and listen to other people's problems!.!.!. and i don't know what kind off money they make!. there also seems to be a lot of interest these days in Criminal JusticeWww@QuestionHome@Com

You can do one on one couseling from you home!. I know someone who gets a lot of clients/patients whatever you call them!. She does all her work over the phone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wouldn't your degree studies have covered this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Test evaluations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
