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Question: Free Will Vs Destiny (Detailed Question Inside)!?
I think you have free will to pick what you want to do but in conclusion the choice you made was necessarily your destiny!.!.!.what do you think of this!?Comments!?Do dreams reveal what your destiny!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you have free will to pick what you want to do but in conclusion the choice you made was necessarily your destiny!.!.!.

i agree! like, if you are at a crossroads and you need to choose one path, you are free to choose which one you want but in the bigger scheme of things, it was already written that you will choose that!. so it's not a case of free will VERSUS destiny anymore, it becomes free will and destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The biology that is us is immensely complex!. It is the most complex thing we know of!. Yet, everything we do or think is a consequence of everything we do or have learned in the past!.

Free will is an illusion brought about by that complexity!. It is a matter of human arrogance that just because we do not understand something, we call it indeterminate!. Making the choices that we do is something that was always going to happen!. It was the inevitable result of all of the things about us and our environment, whether we are aware of it or not!.

Dreams reveal our destiny!?!?!.!.!. That is a deeper question that presumes that when we are asleep, we might have a greater awareness and sensitivity!. They might do but I don't feel I could argue the case either way!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you believe in classical physics (Newton) you are forced to accept a deterministc world where everything is predictable!.
If everything is predictable the future is already written and free will is not possible!.

If you accept modern physics (Einstein) the state of the universe is uncertain, the future can not be predicted in detail and there is space for free will to exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your right on!.

God has a Destiny for each of us for He knows what is best and plans this before we are born!. In Paradise where God has created His Paradise Child Perfect this Destiny is fulfilled without deviation!. We on Earth however are created less then perfect so we have a plan that we can choose or not!.We can create our own destiny and if we are wise and God conscious we will have given an original approach to perfection as we evolve to know and Love Him!.

Remember God knows our in-perfection so He judges our motives not our acts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Going off what BRP said!.!.!. a little!.!.!.!.

Fate and free-will can be thought of as mutually exclusive!.!.!. because the idea of a preplanned future eliminates the possibility that you could chose alternatively!. This is a huge point made by many atheists!.

Then again, physics and nature is ruled by numbers and rules and laws!. A non spiritual world is a deterministic world!.!.!. regardless if you include quantum physics or relativity or not, it is all Newtonian - you just have to know the variables!. We lay claim to "uncertainty" not because the universe is uncertain, but because we dont know enough about it to predict it!.

Contrary to the atheistic point, a spiritual world is the only world that free will could exist!. Because a soul transcends the physical and its deterministic rules!.

Therefore, it is possible that free-will and destiny coexist!.

If the atheist is right and the soul doesnt exist, then choice is irrelevant
If the theist is right and the soul does exist, then if free-will doesnt exist then choice is still irrelevant
If the theist is right and the soul does exist, then if free-will does exist, but destiny doesnt exist then choice is all we have!.
If neither free will nor choice exist then its all an illusion and doesnt really matter!.

No matter what, the default is to lean on choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!
I have been thinking along the same lines, and yet I have no proof for this theory!. So I really don't know, but I figure that by being content with not knowing, and keeping an open mind, one day, I just may stumble upon the truth!.!.!. God knows how!.!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Under a Christian context this sounds like Calvinism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only freedom you have is in the contemplation of truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com