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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do you think Nietzsche is often so misunderstood?

Question: Why do you think Nietzsche is often so misunderstood!?
I'm a former Philosophy major, so I already have my own knowledge and opinions about the subject!. I'm just interested to hear how other people interpret his writings or from what they've heard about him!.

Don't worry, I don't thumbs down people just for being Christian or anything!. Only for being rude and irrelevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think a lot of people don't understand Nietzsche because of his writing style, which is very personal and distinct!.

A lot of his ideas, and his most famous writings, are in narrative form!. Even the language he uses with essay forms is blunt, harsh and emotional!. He attacks and insults many other philosophers, surely angering their adepts, and treats ideological institutions (like religion, and even philosophy) with swift disdain!.

Though it proves worthwhile to reach his ideas, they are difficult to get to through his writing, and once there, it is difficult to get past their delivery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I feel Plato and Nietzsche are regressive and stationary!. A breakdown of a concept and analyzing it to no end!. Socrates on the other hand stated the obvious in a progressive manner, also depicted by his never writing anything down, based on the fact he saw the ridiculousness in doing so anyways, seeing as philosophy is about ones own morals and ethics in the first place!. Getting back to your question though, some of philosophy is gibberish, or could be jumping to unexplained conclusions with the inability to write it with any meaning!. I went through a psychotic episode awhile back and unintentionally adopted circular thinking, where everything is in essence the same!. Nietzsche was obviously insane, but it worked to a degree!.

I hate to go on and on, but the coincidence is far too odd for me to pass up, but during my episode, I was later told by our psychic friend I had been communicating with a child and an older black woman whom had been previous lives of my soul!. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, he describes the sound of a Lion, a child and your own being influences in your decisions!. I personally believe this to be relevant, but that is simply my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People suffering old and never ending illness!.!.They jump to conclusions quite in hurry!.!.but it is only half of a problem !.Another problem is a proud legislation of their quick conclusions into the form of undeniable truth for others!.!.!.Nothing leads away from truth more than this!.!.!.Not just Nietzsche , for being disagree with Nietzsche is kind of common painless procedure!.there is plenty of philosophers to be agree with!.!.There is more disagreements with those who quickly concludes for us and that is more painful and often bloody affairs!. Would it be so that conclusions which is made by others for our very convenience creates most inconvenient and more complicated situations than before time when conclusions had been made!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well primarily he is misunderstood because there are VERY few people that understand Post Modernism and existentialism!. But other then that people just don't take the time to look into him enough!. They just hear little bits and pieces of information and make choices based on that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fred's vision of freedom probably is a bit too hard for most people to take!. The subsequent demonisation of his 'ubermensch' by his sister's involvement with the Nazi party led to a lot of people wrongly associating his writing with the 'supposed' supriority of the Aryan ideal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is dead because if there were gods, I would be a god!. Since I am not a god, there can be no gods!. Therefore,God is dead!. This is not someone to get close to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He is misunderstood and confusing because he himself didn't quite understand or was confused or at least couldn't accurately express his thought!.

He himself admitted his dissatisfaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aren't we all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com