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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are some major historical events that happened during Jesus' life that

Question: What are some major historical events that happened during Jesus' life that were NOT mentioned in the Bible
I read recently that the Bible leaves out alot of major happenings of the time period that you would think would be mentioned!. ie - Nero, the burning of Rome!.!.!.!.!.what are some other things you are surprised aren't documented in the Bible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all, the Bible shed very little light on the political issues going on at the time!. There are few or none passages about miliary conflicts!. There is rarely--if ever--a mention of intellectual changes!. The Bible focuses on the society and the culture at the time!.

If you want events that were in Jesus' life specifically, try to find the Book of Mary Magdelene of the Book of James!. Apparently they both wrote a book, but the church's Council of Nicea (or some other church council) decided those conflicted with the other parts of the Bible so they were taken out completely!. What we read nowadays are actually the revised versions of the Bible!.

Jesus only lived for a short period of time!. The New Testament was only written about his life while he was preaching!. This was only a short period of about 10 years max!. Nero's fire actually happened after Jesus died so the Bible doesn't mention it because Jesus never mentioned it!. It didn't affect Jesus!. Only the things that Jesus taught were mentioned!. If the economics didn't affect him then it wouldn't be in the Bible!. For the period of 10 years, nothing astoundingly notable (such as Nero's fire) happened!. The four Gospels were written about 25 to 45 years later!. Hence the minor revolts were not as noteworthy as Jesus' teachings!. The Gospels were specifically on Jesus, not what happend 20 years later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it really isn't very surprising that so much was left out about the political and historical happenings which were taking place in the time of Jesus!. This could be on account of a number of factors!. One, the original authors were unaware of what was happening outside of the area which is now Israel/Jordan, or didn't feel it neccessary to comment on these events!. Or two, these events were originally in the Bible but were later edited out, perhaps do to innaccuracy or poor quality!. It wouldn't put the Bible in good light if it had bad information on important and well known events!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are probably quite a few historical occurances that took place during the life of Jesus that is not mentioned in the Bible!. Go to History!.com (or some other reliable historic website) and get a referencing of historical events that occured from say 10 B!.C!. to about 35 A!.D!. and see what pops up!. I'm going to try it myself!. Good question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bible doesn't necesarily mention many things that happened world-wide!. The buring of rome had no direct impact on Jesus!.!.!.or vise-versa!.!.!.

So, the things documented in the Bible are the only things that men need to know about Jesus's life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Bible is SPIRITUAL book

not historical or scientificWww@QuestionHome@Com


His youth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com