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Position:Home>Philosophy> Déjà vu; end of the world.... the meaning of life?

Question: Déjà vu; end of the world!.!.!.!. the meaning of life!?
Why do people keep hampering on about the end of the world!? Postulating and speculating about when and how!.!.!. who cares!? Really, I mean come on!. IF or WHEN it happens none of us will survive to care about it anyway!. And more likely than not, it will occur billions of years from now and all of us will have long gone!

Seems like the questions on here are so uninspiring!. Its either "what is the meaning of life" or "when will the world end" or a variation those themes!.

Are yahoo philosophers lacking creative thinking, originality and imagination!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree 100%
These must be the most over-asked questions on all of Y/A!.
Asking when the world will end is a matter for science, not philosophy!. The meaning of life probably belongs under R&S because philosophers have better things to do than discuss innane banter!.
I'm also against when people throw meaningful-sounding words together and put a question mark at the end of it and expect a sensible answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps they like to feel wonderful for a change, that they like wonder about the world, about time, and about the limits of their own imagination!. Or, may be, they like really scare themselves out of their wits by conjuring up the worst-case scenario in the mind for the world they imagine themselves to be!. I believe you are doing the same only indirectly!. You are wondering about people wondering about he end of the world, and this too is great way to think!.

Are yahoo philosophers lacking creative thinking, originality and imagination!? I hope not I find most wonderful things here than anywhere else!. Is it not imaginatively challenging to try to imagine what will happen when all is gone, when there is nothing left, what would be there!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yahoo philosophers have many different ulterior motives as to why they keep asking questions concerning the end of the world- otherwise they wouldn`t be classified or branded as `philosophers`-remember philosophers always touch the topics of God, nature, man and the universe, soul, etc!. The existence of God, and the question of who created the universe are sample questions that support there is a God who created the universe and will that God come and redeem all the universe and universals He created in due timeé!. The question of `when is the world going to endé`` kicks in!.

The question of what is the meaning of life also covers the all the subject matter of philosophy- ethics, soul, and God-the creator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

those are new people whos asking them, and its the single most important question in life and it deserves an answer!.

so unless you stop new people from coming in the philosophy section theres really nothing you can do about it!.
not everyone is here 24/7th to see everyone elses question you knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

The world will end at 4:30 PM this very afternoon!
see that's when I will remind my daughter she's still grounded and cant go out with her friends!.!.!.thus end of the world, for her anyway!.!.!.

As to your question I think people like the topic for the same reason some like horror or disaster movies!.!.!. lets then their imagination fly and they enjoy the thrill of death destruction and pure chaos!.!.!. Me I prefer a good war movie for that but hey to each their own right!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'd probably enjoy reading Leon Festinger's "When Prophecy Fails"!. It's a study of end-of-the-world movements and how incredibly devoted people become to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some say, well one man says, His name escapes Me, but He says that as soon as someone works out why we are here, the universe will be replaced by something even more bizarre!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Circles, like a black cat walking over black and white!.!.!.!.always there sometimes visible, that's allWww@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe the meaning of life is to work out when the world will end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So!.!.!.!.you noticed!. I thought it was just me!. So whats your philosophy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com