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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do they still take dead bodies to the home for viewing? In what states?

Question: Do they still take dead bodies to the home for viewing!? In what states!?
Just curious, I know that is no longer done where we are at, but I had heard somewhere that in some places they do take the dead body coffin and all to the home for viewing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, although not very often and usually only for the very wealthy that not only have the living space to accomodate, but also parking!. It was once commonplace to have the viewing at home, the embalming was also done at the home!. Since the dawn of funeral homes, people rarely have home viewings anymore, the convenience of having every detail attended to at a central location is obviously much more desirable!. As for the answer that stated that if the person dies of a disease they can't be laid out at home!? Um, about 95% of people die from disease!. That is a completely incorrect statement!. It doesn't matter what you died from, you can still be viewed at home if you wish!. Hope this helps, take care!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been to home viewings in Maryland in recent years!. One wasn't actually a "viewing," because the coffin was closed, but in the other instance it was open!. As for the cause of death making a difference, I can't see why it would, since the body would be prepared in the funeral home first just as it would be if the viewing were to be there!. One is no more likely to catch a disease from an embalmed body in the deceased's living room than from the same body in a funeral parlor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is what is done in Russia!. In some cases depending on the wishes of the family the body can rest at home for 3 days (I think) before it is then taken into the courtyard, where a service is held and then taken to the cemetery!. The first time I saw this, I found it a little unnerving!. But oddly enough, like most things in Russia, you just learn to ignore it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've starred your question as interesting because of your curiosity!. Yes, you are perfect that at some places (like my country, Bangladesh, my neighbor India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc) we not only take the dead bodies to home, rather it's MUST to bring back the deceased person just to LOOK him/her finally! Another reason is, one might get the death news lately; so he/she might rush to the deceased person's home to see finally! The last reason is different from your culture (if you're from the West)-----we show the dead body & ask the present public, whether the deceased person was defaulter to anyone or owed to someone!? If so, would that guy pardon him/her before burying him/her!? If someone claim a debt, the deceased person's family members have to admit to re-pay or might beg pardon in favor of the deceased person!. Lastly, which is very important, we actually want to MEET the dead person closely once more for the last time!. This is the affection to the deceased person!. It's a lesson for the next generations, that we remember them this way!. I know, my answer wouldn't create any emotion to you but my eyes are tearful right at this moment, answering to your question----since I saw the face of my sister's daughter who died (Blood Cancer) at only 14 yrs!. I was 'lucky' to see her at home before burying! :-(Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's requestable depending on how they died!. if it was from a desease then nope but gunshots or dying in there sleep is ok for home viewing!. things that arn't going to cause illness or death in anyone else if the body is open to the air!. in certain circumstances the body can be encased in glass and sealed so that it is air tight but you'd have to be really well off to get something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It generally can be done in any state!. I know of no law prohibiting such viewing and visitation!. It is tha accepted practice in the Magdalene Islands of Quebec, where I ministered!. I have done such funerals from homes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com