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Position:Home>Philosophy> When in the midst of a philosophical discussion with friends,?

Question: When in the midst of a philosophical discussion with friends,!?
have you ever felt so deep in your thoughts that you do not want to participate at all but manage your thoughts alone, in your mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Philosophical discussions always throw up a few surprises! You need time alone to reflect on that!. We do not have instant answers for everything and so YES, the need to sort things about, ruminate over an issue presents itself!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya, I hate discussing philosophy with anyone, especially getting into an augment in a group, like in class or with friends!. It doesn't do any good!. There's always a person who wants to win, like it's a game, when it's not really, because someone might be trying to get some insight or something about themselves!. Ya, I end up introspective, introverted and go away!. Philosophical arguing it OK, but not as something to have fun with or something that breaks out on Friday night, that ruins everything, and I really hate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure!. When talking about something as deep and as ephemeral as philosophy, sometimes I tend to run into an idea that causes a whole train of thoughts to spring up!. The series of thoughts makes sense to me, but its based so much on an idea that I can't properly explain to anyone else that its useless to go into it!.

The interesting thing, though, happens when I follow those thoughts along, and then I find that someone has arrived at the same point that I have, only they took another route!. Weird!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it depends, when i'm talking to my father or some of my friends who love philosophy I tend to keep most of my thoughts to myself because the people i'm talking to are usually great thinkers and it becomes imperative for me to use my tongue wisely!. But i'm talking to a mediocre philosopher at school or somewhere more casual I can afford to say whatever I feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read this once-


I sometimes amaze myself with what I am saying and never really knew how I felt before I heard myself and then I knew I always felt like this but it needed to be verbalized first!.
Later on, when I am alone I digest and conclude my thoughts after the input of my friends,( who never really understands me!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I usually verbalize what i am thinking, but that is not necessarily a good thing!. As I got older, I realized that talking less and listening to what other people say more is the best course of action in pretty much any situation!. However, there is a time to speak, and when you do, make it count!. :)


oh, too many times! Don't get me wrong, I know that you have to treasure your friends' opinions, but sometimes even them can become overwhelming (as well as I know I can become overwhelming too)!. So it is then when I feel I need a bit of time with myself and draw my own conclusions!.!.!. it might be subjective, but at least!.!.!. is me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yees that has happened too meeWww@QuestionHome@Com