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Position:Home>Philosophy> No Matter How Many Times One's Been In Love...Is Love Always New?

Question: No Matter How Many Times One's Been In Love!.!.!.Is Love Always New!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it is always new!.!.!.

This is yet another example of the limits of language!. We give something a name, therefore thinking we understand it!.!.!. because we cannot put into words an actual accurate description or explanation of the feeling!.!.!. so we generalize and categorize under one name - in this case the name being "love"!.!.!. yet there are so many levels of this so-called "love"!.!.!. and it is always relative!.!.!. and one person's understanding of "love" may be a completely different understanding of "love" that you have!.!.!. this can be true even with yourself(eg!. your concept of love at age 15 vs!. age 25 vs!. age 35, 45, 65, etc!.)

For example: I have found with each new love, I've once found myself thinking that the previous ones were lesser, or not true!. Once the new love relationship ends, I learn a new lesson and realize that the ones before were just as significant in their own way and just as true in their own way!. I guess that's the problem with comparing!.!.!. you can't and shouldn't because they are not the same!.

So I guess to answer your question, love IS always new because love is NEVER the same and cannot BE the same!. However many times one gives birth it will always be different, a new experience!. Is MAN always the same!? No, so love with a MAN will never be the same!. Even in a period of time, MAN is never the same!.!.!. always changing-transforming!.!.!. so one moment of love with MAN may be completely different than another moment of love with yhe same MAN!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must say in all the posts I've read here on Yahoo Answers the responses to this question were the best I've ever read!. Everyone had intelligent and insightful things to say and I could tell you all had really thought about what you wanted to say and best of all you all have been in love, that is fantastic!. Just like has been said, Love is always new no matter how many times one has been in love, because each new love is a new person with their own ways that make love new!. And ones reaction to a new love also makes it new and different from what we have had before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Love is Life itself!.

When you start an new romance, it is like being reborn!. You can feel the newness of life telling you that this is special, that this is something to be held onto, and cherished, and adored!.

For some, the lucky ones, this feeling can be felt even with an old flame, a lover that one has become so connected to that each time one meets the other it is as if it were for the very first time!. That is a love that never grows old!. I have know at least two couples such as this that stayed that way until the day one of them died, and when that day came the other one found little reason to live!.

Love is Life!. To be born anew in another person's arms is something we should all hope for each day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, love is always new (because it's never the same as it was in the past)!.

"There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some are gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more"
-The Beatles, "In My Life"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the alchemy of passion is always a new one!.!.!. because one of the ingredients is changed!. It's true that we sometimes carry our fears and our obsessions driven in us by our past relationships and we somehow don't feel the same excitement as we grow older, yet!.!.!. just like Persephone comes back to the Earth every spring, we get renewed with every love we experience!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it always is!. Love, true love, is a new experience with every new love, even every new day!. Love is always changing, your views on life, your perspective, each little thing just makes love feel like your first love again and again!. That's what i love about love!.


Always, because the different nuances about another person bring out totally different sides to oneself!. Different experiences happen, and different memories are made!. It makes a person sparkle in a different light, like a pure jewel :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everytime I fall in love, I feel born again and this keeps me young - not only at heart!. Love for me is elixir!. I am constantly in love with Women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because it is with a new person and different circumstances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LUCKZ, you ask some questions as if you would have never been in love!.!.!.!.!.uffffffff!.

in one word: sure!Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.I don't know for I have only loved once in my life!.!.!.but, I would think it is possible, yesWww@QuestionHome@Com

i guess soWww@QuestionHome@Com